Inca Parei

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Inka Parei (born February 5, 1967 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German writer . She lives in Berlin .


She studied German, sociology, political science and sinology. As an author, Inka Parei is not a prolific writer, but follows the qualitative ethos of class instead of quantity . She has published three novels so far. The shadow boxer was translated into numerous languages ​​and noticed and reviewed worldwide. After her work Was Dunkelheit, her latest novel Die Kältezentrale was published in August 2011 . The title primarily refers to the air conditioning rooms in the basement of the publishing house of the newspaper Neues Deutschland as a place of action, but is a metaphor for the political climate in the publisher close to the government and in East Berlin as a whole in the 1980s.

In 2012 Parei received a ten-week scholarship in the German House of New York University.

Themes and style

Parei's preferred author's perspective is the inner monologue . With its multitude of tones and layers, she explores the inner world of her protagonists in all shades of self and external perception. In the novel Was Dunkelheit was published in 2005, the 38-year-old at the time of the final version put herself in the senses and thoughts of an old man. In unfamiliar Frankfurt, where he had inherited a multi-party house from a former comrade in the war, but he cannot remember him, and moved into it, waking dream mixes with outside world noises as well as the splinters of echoes from participating in the war decades ago. The result is a labyrinthine generation portrait against the historical background of the German autumn of 1977 . The narrative motif is essentially the same as in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea , although it is challenging to put yourself in the shoes of the opposite sex.

The Pareis sentences are simple sentences that are highly objective and unencumbered. Similar to Herta Müller , she chooses extremely short, realistically immersed sentences. Only when the descriptions are interlaced in detail do they occasionally reveal a secret.


  • The shadow boxer. Frankfurt / M. 1999; TB Munich 2006, ISBN 3-442-73504-1 .
  • Iris Radisch (Hrsg.): The best 2003: Klagenfurt texts / the 27th days of German-language literature in Klagenfurt.
  • South of Ferch . In: Best German Storytellers 2004 . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich, ISBN 3-421-05626-9 .
  • What darkness was. Frankfurt / M. 2005; TB Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-442-73261-6 .
  • That thing . In: It's snowing in my head . Nagel & Kimche, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-312-00381-4 .
  • The refrigeration center . Schöffling, Frankfurt am Main 2011, ISBN 978-3-89561-107-0 .


  • Chinese Da Taijiquan de Nühai (打 太極拳 的 女孩) , 2002
  • French La boxeuse d'ombres , 2001
  • Italian La ragazza che fa a pugni con l'ombra , 2004
  • Swedish Skuggboxerskan , 2001
  • Croatian Krotiteljica sjenki , 2004
  • Turkish Gölge Boksörü , 2004
  • Serbian Krotiteljka Senki , 2004
  • Spanish La luchadora de sombras , 2002
  • Bulgarian Улична боксьорка , 2007
  • Polish Czym była ciemność , 2007
  • Spanish El principio de la oscuridad , 2007
  • Turkish Karanlikta , 2008


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Inca Parei
  2. In the engine room of a sinister state enterprise - Inka Parei: The cold center . Review in Deutschlandradio Kultur , September 30, 2011
  3. Awards: Kranichsteiner Literature Prize. In: Börsenblatt , August 1, 2012