Innocent babysitter

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German title Innocent babysitter
Original title The babysitter
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1995
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Guy Ferland
script Guy Ferland
production Kevin J. Messick ,
Steve Perry
music Loek Dikker
camera Rick Bota
cut Jim Prior ,
Victoria T. Thompson

Innocent Babysitter (original title: The Babysitter ) is an American thriller from 1995 based on a short story by Robert Coover . The director and screenwriter was Guy Ferland . Alicia Silverstone can be seen in the lead role .


Jennifer is hired as a babysitter for Harry and Dolly Tucker's children while the couple attends a party with their friends Bill and Bernice Holsten. Harry often fantasizes about Jennifer while Dolly is attracted to Bill as she misinterprets his compliments as a sign of attraction.

Jennifer's ex-boyfriend Jack runs into the Holstens son, Mark, who also had an affair with Jennifer and still has feelings for her that evening. Jack and Mark also increasingly have erotic fantasies about Jennifer. Jack calls Jennifer and asks her to visit her at the Tuckers' house, which she refuses. Nevertheless, he later shows up there with Mark. Because Jennifer won't let them in, they sneak around the house and spy through the windows.

Meanwhile, Harry gets drunk and decides to go home, suspecting Jennifer and Jack are having sex in his house. Meanwhile, his wife Dolly flirts with Bill at the party, but he turns her off. But he offers to drive her home. Jack and Mark break into the Tucker's house, where Jennifer is taking a bath. Mark knocks Jack out and tries to rape Jennifer, but she escapes. Mark pursues them, but is hit by Harry, who is then arrested for being drunk driving.

Before the police escort Jennifer home, she confronts Jack about his behavior and leaves him embarrassed.


The lexicon of international films ruled that it was a "quite cleverly constructed thriller", with "good acting" and music that would carry over "some weaknesses" of the film .

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Individual evidence

  1. Innocent babysitter. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed October 15, 2016 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used