Insa Sparrer

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Insa Sparrer (* 1955 in Weiden ) is a German psychologist and psychotherapist who has further developed family constellations and solution-focused short therapies .


Insa Sparrer studied mathematics in Munich , then psychology and has been a freelance psychotherapist since 1989 . She is married to the logician Matthias Varga von Kibéd . Together with him, she founded the SySt Institute for Systemic Education, Training and Research in Munich in 1996 . There she teaches the systemic structure constellations developed there together with others . One of her strengths is to combine opposing therapy directions in theory and practice - for example conversation and hypnotherapy or in the systemic area constructivist and phenomenological approaches.

Sparrer's chief teachers were Virginia Satir , Steve de Shazer, and Insoo Kim Berg . Bert Hellinger represents a different constellation school and has distanced itself from its working method by signing the Potsdam Declaration of the Systemic Society on Constellation Work from July 2004.

Insa Sparrer always works experimentally and has u. a. the solution geometry interview and the therapy developed without audible answers . Her main work Wunder, Solution and System has also been published in English. She lives in Munich and works all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland, in Piran and Abano Terme .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Potsdam declaration of the "Systemic Society" on constellation work (2004) ( Memento from October 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive )

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