Integral planning

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Seal of approval for integral planning

Integral planning is a targeted creative process by a group of experts from different specialist disciplines to solve a complex, usually technical task. Conceptually, the term does not differ from integrated planning . In the linguistic usage, however, a clear delimitation of content has been established.

Integral planning stands for a holistic approach to the planning of buildings. Holistic, as integral planning requires the simultaneous participation of all specialist disciplines and stakeholders involved in the planning process . The early involvement of all the necessary experts in the planning team and their simultaneous and coordinated processing of the planning task are the central element. Your involvement, even in the conceptual phase, is of the greatest importance, as this planning phase is crucial for the best possible design of the building's life cycle .

Integrated planning, on the other hand, usually stands for a holistic approach to developing prototypes and innovations in industry, especially the automotive industry.


At the beginning of the planning project, little data or tools are available to align the creativity and innovative strength of those involved with the goals of the building owner or client. An important step in this service phase can be the requirements planning according to DIN 18205 . In this phase, everyone involved in development and planning wrestles for a common idea. Only through early cooperation can the knowledge be transferred in a timely manner or the new common knowledge about the targeted solution emerge. The early involvement enables a joint agreement on how the goals associated with the task can be achieved in the best possible way. This shortens the planning and development process significantly, the number of plan changes is reduced, thus reducing costs and increasing quality.

The strong involvement of information and communication technology (ICT) is another feature of integral planning. It enables efficient communication and organization as well as simulation and optimization during the planning phase. The use of BIM in the planning process increases these advantages.

The integral planning typically also includes the monitoring of the quality implementation over the entire life cycle of the building. In order to take the holistic view of the building life cycle into account, it is necessary in the context of integral planning to include the future operator early on, so-called FM in the design process. In the case of complex construction projects, the requirements of the CAFM and building automation used in the property in the future should also be taken into account in order to coordinate the planning documents and the revision documents resulting from them with the concerns of FM . Sheet 1.1 of the VDI 6026 documentation in the technical building equipment: content and condition of planning, execution and revision documents, FM-specific requirements for the documentation can be used as an aid .

The integral planning of buildings is more common in the Anglo-American and Scandinavian regions than in Central and Central Europe. In German-speaking countries in particular, the successive processing by the architect as the person responsible for the design, the structural engineer as the person responsible for the structural calculation and the engineer of the technical building equipment (TGA) as the planner for the technology and the subsequent construction is common practice. The main causes are the training system, the job profiles based on it and the fee regulations in the DACH region .

Integral building planning

Today, integral planning is considered to be the key to realizing sustainable, resource and energy-saving buildings. Thanks to its holistic approach, it is successfully used for the early optimization of economic, ecological and socio-cultural objectives. Initially, integral building planning was mainly used in connection with energy and resource-efficient construction. For example, the City of Vienna has published guidelines for the energy-conscious construction of service buildings, in which the importance of the integral planning process is discussed in detail. In addition, the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects has published guidelines for “team-oriented planning”. In the area of ​​public and semi-public property developers, too, the issue of integral planning is receiving increasing attention.


In addition to the traditional goals of building planning (aesthetics, ease of use and operation, cost efficiency), the requirements on the part of building owners, legislation and the public for resource conservation, energy efficiency, optimization of building life cycle costs and value protection through certification of the property are increasing. This results in an increasingly complex, sometimes contradicting target matrix, which in turn requires new, holistic planning processes. The integral planning method requires a holistic approach to a building and its functions throughout its entire life cycle - from conception through planning, construction and operation to disposal and recycling. The life-cycle building quality can be predicted and optimized by creating a common knowledge base, but also by using different tools, such as through thermal building simulation, life cycle analysis with calculation of life cycle costs and building certification. The different interests and perspectives of users, investors and the public can be included in the planning process through early participation.

Advantages of integral planning compared to traditional planning processes

The simultaneous interlinking of interdisciplinary knowledge from different specialist areas in the integral planning process is considered to be a key advantage when working on multidimensional target systems. Proponents of integral planning assume that a functioning interdisciplinary team always comes up with better solutions, as has been proven by experimental simulation games such as the Walt Disney method or NASA space game , as an architect who provides the solution and additively complements the engineering services . Because, so the argument goes, a) more creative output and b) a reduction in complexity. Avoiding collisions and misunderstandings at the technical interfaces leads to an increase in efficiency in the planning effort. In addition, an interdisciplinary team can identify interdependent planning decisions and consequences better and earlier and thus provide relevant decision-making bases in good time. This increases the decision-making quality in the planning process, especially in the early project phase, which has the greatest influence on construction and operating costs. In summary, the advantages of integral planning can be the reduction of time and costs through fewer changes and the minimization of errors, an increase in quality, the creation of common knowledge and life cycle optimization.

Forms of project organization

The project structure of integral planning can be roughly divided into three different organizational forms:

  • Integrated planning as a targeted and controlled network of independent specialist planners (architect, specialist engineer, construction company, project management, etc.). Advantage: The client can choose a partner of his choice for the necessary planning areas. By competing in a tender, he can make his decision based on his own criteria and experience, also from an economic point of view. The client has the opportunity to be a proactive part of the planning team. Disadvantage: many contacts, interface problems; great competence of the client is required.
  • Integrated planning as a targeted and controlled network with the combination of various task packages. Classically, there is a division between property planning and technical building services planning and an integration planner with a high level of competence in both areas brings the parties together. At the beginning of the planning phase, the integration planner coordinates the individual TGA specialist planners in developing a concept for the entire TGA based on the client's requirements planning. The integration planner assesses the solution approaches of the specialist planners (specialist planning concepts) and combines them into a target-oriented overall concept. The integration planner agrees the overall TGA concept with the property planner or his planning. In the further planning process he takes on the coordination of the technical planners of the TGA. He also coordinates their interfaces to property planning and other planning participants. A particular focus here is on the coordination of the interfaces to the specialist planning of building automation. Advantage: high concentration of competencies in the areas that are important for the construction project, few interface problems, high level of planning depth through overarching coordination and concepts such as energy concept, operational management concept, utilization concept, fire protection concept, overall TGA concept; adequate fees. Disadvantage: restriction of competition; Great competence of the integration planner is required.

The other two forms have in common that the builder usually only has one contact person.

  • Integrated planning as a targeted and controlled network of independent specialist planners under the direction of a general planner (project controller, property planner, specialist planner, etc.) or general contractor (construction company). Advantage: The client can nominate a partner of his choice for the necessary planning areas, the GP / GU can put together his well-coordinated team. Disadvantage: interface problems, possibly different economic interests and planning cultures of the general planner and the team members, disadvantage of small planning offices or handicraft businesses, great competence of the GP / GU is required, cost increase due to GU surcharge.
  • Integrated planning by a person with overall responsibility who unites all the essential specialist planners (architects and engineers) in his organization under one roof. With this method, which was developed based on the Anglo-American model, the overall project manager (architect, civil engineer) ensures that the team members who work well together work smoothly and efficiently. Advantage: The overall planning appears particularly suitable to reduce the responsibility and interface problems between the specialist disciplines and to develop a real integral planning culture, since the economic interests of the team members are united. Disadvantage: "Group Think" phenomenon, as a well-established team, less room for positive conflict to increase team performance or to critically question the solutions, great competence of the general meeting is required, cost increase through the general meeting surcharge, disadvantage of small planning offices or craft businesses.

Tools - Digital Building Modeling

In modern building planning with the aim of optimizing complex systems, conventional planning tools, analog or digital ( CAD ), reach their limits. A building goes through different life cycle phases: design, planning, construction, use, conversion, renovation and demolition. In each phase, those involved in the project such as architects, engineers, specialist planners and executors generate a large number of documents that depict the current status of the building. Information is exchanged using commercial or open data exchange standards.

Powerful modeling software, the availability of sufficiently powerful hardware and fast networking via the Internet make it possible to fundamentally change the planning process with so-called Building Information Models (BIMs). The three-dimensional building models must be filled with the relevant information by all those involved in the project. The geometric data are only a small part of the information to be inserted, each component is described by a large number of attributes. In addition to technical data on quality, this also includes information on costs and scheduling. The development of this information in the planning process ideally works in a cloud solution in which everyone works in one model. This makes the individual planning steps transparent, because everyone can see what effects their actions have on other parts of the building. For example, if the structural engineer decides that a supporting pillar has to be wider. It can happen that the cable route running in this area has to be moved. The data exchange of individual planning statuses within the project team is no longer necessary.

However, those involved in the project must continue to be coordinated in the digital planning process. This function is usually taken over by a BIM manager who draws up and explains rules for the workflow and monitors compliance. Another advantage of building models from a BIM planning process is that they can be used as an intelligent knowledge database throughout the entire life cycle. For this, however, the information that is important for operation, such as maintenance cycles for hold-open systems on doors, fire detectors, etc., should be stored in the model.

Numerous studies show the BIM potential as a catalyst, which significantly reduces the fragmentation of the planning and construction process, increases efficiency and lowers planning costs (by minimizing changes). The increased use of Building Information Modeling promises a fundamental change in the planning, construction and operating processes of buildings. BIM thus describes a procedural change in the design, use and operation (facility management) of buildings driven by digitization. It represents a paradigm shift towards life-cycle, integral planning. Integral planning without BIM is feasible, but consistent implementation of BIM without integral planning is not feasible.

Fields of application

Integral planning in construction

According to its own information, the planning office ATP architects ingenieure was one of the first offices to have consistently implemented integral planning in Central Europe since 1976. The most important projects that were developed by ATP using an integral planning methodology include: the ATRIO shopping center in Villach, Austria, the revitalized SCS building in Vienna, Austria and the new IMP building in Vienna, Austria. The board of directors of ATP Christoph M. Achammer is a strong proponent of this planning method.

At least since the turn of the millennium, integral planning has been gaining ground in complex construction projects in the DACH region. Integral planning is also gaining increasing importance in public construction projects. For example, the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development has been using an evaluation system for sustainable building (BNB) for new office and administrative buildings since 2009, in which integral planning is the criterion for planning and process quality.

Integral planning in research and teaching

Iva Kovacic founded the research group for integral planning in the department for industrial construction and interdisciplinary building planning at the Vienna University of Technology, researched the integral planning methodology and imparted it intensively in teaching. The most important research projects include “Cost Benefits of Integrated Planning” and “BIM Sustain”.

The most important course in the master’s course is the Concrete Student Trophy, an international student competition in cooperation with VÖZ, which is the organizer of the competition. The prerequisite for participating in the competition is an interdisciplinary team consisting of at least one architecture student and one civil engineering student. Some projects have already been implemented, such as the Paul Amann Bridge in Vienna.

Another example of lived integral planning is LISI (Living Inspired by Sustainable Innovation), the Austrian winning project at the Solar Decathlon 2013 - which was implemented in interdisciplinary cooperation between several research institutes under the direction of Karin Stieldorf. Klaus Daniels took the first steps for an integral building design at the TU Darmstadt, Department of Architecture, Design and Building Technology, where energy and building technology become part of the architectural concept. Since 2008, the Cologne International School of Design ( KISD ) has offered a Bachelor and Master degree course in "Integrated Design".

Integral planning in the automotive industry

An example of applied integral planning can be the integrated product development of the automotive industry , in which "all departments involved in the creation process and the specialists involved work closely and directly together". Ehrlenspiel defines it as "... methodology for product creation with special consideration of the goal orientation and cooperation of the people involved".

Individual evidence

  1. a b Integral planning. New seal of approval from ATP. espazium, August 17, 2015, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  2. a b c Achim Heidemann among others: Integrated planning of building technology . 1st edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-662-44748-2 , p. 12 .
  3. Christoph van Treeck, among others: Building technology as a structuring agent for building and operating processes . 1st edition. Springer-Verlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-662-58156-8 , pp. 34 ff .
  4. Stefan Plesser and others: Development of a methodology for integral quality assurance over the entire building life cycle based on DIN V 18599 . 1st edition. Fraunhofer IRB, 2015, ISBN 978-3-8167-9619-0 , p. 9 f .
  5. Christoph van Treeck, among others: Building technology as a structuring agent for building and operating processes . 1st edition. Springer-Verlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-662-58156-8 , pp. 20 .
  6. Documentation in the technical building equipment: content and quality of planning, execution and revision documents, FM-specific requirements for the documentation . Beuth Verlag, April 2015.
  7. ^ Gerhard Hausladen, Karsten Tichelmann: Expansion of the Atlas: Integral planning, interior design, building services (=  Detail Atlas ). 1st edition. Birkhäuser, 2009, ISBN 978-3-0346-1440-5 , pp. 8 .
  8. ^ Margot Grim, Klemens Leutgöb: Step by step towards a zero energy building: Guide to energy-conscious construction for service buildings in Vienna. (PDF) Vienna City Administration, Municipal Department 20 - Energy Planning, September 2012, accessed on October 30, 2019 .
  9. Walter Baumgartner among others: Team-oriented planning . Ed .: SIA Switzerland. Association of engineers and architects. Zurich 1996, ISBN 3-905251-04-3 ( [PDF; accessed October 30, 2019]).
  10. ^ I. Kovacic: About integral planning for sustainability: Development of a planning methodology. In: Journal for Facility Management. 2/2010, ISBN 978-3-200-02070-2 , pp. 17-37.
  11. ^ RE Oberto, E. Nilsen, R. Cohen, R. Wheeler, P. DeFlono, C. Borden: The NASA Exploration Design Team: blueprint for a new design paradigm. Aerospace Conference, 2005 IEEE, pp. 4398-4405.
  12. ^ Achim Heidemann et al.: Integral planning of building technology . 1st edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-662-44748-2 , p. 56-63 .
  13. C. Eastman, P. Teicholz, R. Sacks, K. Liston: BIM Handbook. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
  14. ^ André Borrmann et al: Building Information Modeling . 1st edition. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-05605-6 , pp. 10-11 .
  15. ^ André Borrmann et al: Building Information Modeling . 1st edition. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-05605-6 , pp. 57-74 .
  16. ^ K. Pramod Reddy: BIM for Building Owners and Developers . 1st edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 2012, ISBN 978-0-470-90598-2 , pp. 10-12 .
  17. ^ M. Prins, R. Owen: Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions. In: Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 6, 2010, pp. 227-231.
  18. ^ Eva Maria Herrmann: BIM Building Information Modeling Management Volume 2 . 1st edition. DETAIL Business Information GmbH, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-95553-406-6 , p. 46-49 .
  19. ^ André Borrmann et al: Building Information Modeling . 1st edition. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-05605-6 , pp. 565 .
  20. ATP architects engineers., accessed on October 30, 2019 .
  21. Refurbishment while the SCS is still in operation., accessed on February 21, 2018 .
  22. ^ Research Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP)., accessed on February 21, 2018 .
  23. Becker: Interview with Christoph M. Achammer: The future of building - Integrality and new role models for planners and executors. NEVARIS, November 15, 2018, accessed October 30, 2019 .
  24. Assessment system for sustainable building (BNB) for new office and administration buildings. Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs (BMI), Department of Civil Engineering, Sustainable Building, Building Research, accessed on October 30, 2019 .
  25. Co_Be: Cost Benefits of Integrated Planning ( Memento from December 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  26. BIM-Sustain ( Memento from December 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  27. LISI in the Blue Lagoon. Technical University of Vienna, September 30, 2014, accessed on October 30, 2019 .
  28. K. Ehrlenspiel: Integrated product development: methods for process organization, product creation and construction. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 2003, p. 176.
  29. K. Ehrlenspiel: Integrated product development: methods for process organization, product creation and construction. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 2003, p. 285.