Integrated coastal zone management

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Aerial view of the English Channel.  The French and English coasts are used for tourism and maritime purposes.  In addition, these coasts are ecologically important habitats.

The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a dynamic, continuous and iterative process by which the sustainable coastal zone management is to be promoted.

Definition of the European Commission

"Integrated Coastal Zone Management seeks to strike a long-term balance between the benefits of economic development and human use of the coastal areas , the benefits of protecting , preserving and restoring coastal areas, the benefits of minimizing loss of human life and property as well the benefits of public access to and enjoyment of the coastal zones, always within the limits set by natural dynamics and resilience. "

( European Commission 1999).

Implementation in Germany

At the suggestion of the then Federal Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel , the Federal Cabinet adopted a National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Germany on March 22, 2006. The Federal Republic thus implemented a corresponding recommendation from the European Commission from 2002. On 27./28. In April 2006 the strategy was presented to the public and the parties concerned at an international conference in Bremen organized by the Federal Environment Ministry with the support of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and the Federal Environment Agency . Thereby the further ICZM process in Germany was discussed.

There are regional ICZM "strategies" for the coastal states of Lower Saxony , Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .

ICZM worldwide

Integrated coastal zone management has been used in various versions in the USA since the 1970s, but has received a significant boost as a planning instrument funded by the European Commission . Meanwhile, however, the ideas and approaches are also being used worldwide. Efforts are being made to establish ICZM on the coasts of Chile and in Southeast Asia ( Philippines , Indonesia ). These projects are carried out within the framework of international nature conservation and development cooperation. a. supported by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Recommendation 2002/413 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 30, 2002 on the implementation of a strategy for an integrated management of coastal areas in Europe, OJ. EG, L 148/24.

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