International Institute for Mission Science Research

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The International Institute for scientific research mission eV, abbreviation IIMF, is an association of Catholic scholars and friends to promote the mission of science and research into intercultural relations and developments. The purpose of the association is the scientific study of theoretical and practical problems of evangelism and intercultural encounters in community work and private research.


Since its foundation, the IIMF has published the journal for missiology and religious studies (ZMR) and also promotes the publication of missions and religious studies publications as well as events and conferences on intercultural, mission and religious studies topics.


In 1911, the IIMF was founded as the first missionary science institute in the Catholic world by a group of missiologists and supporters of missiology. On the academic level, Joseph Schmidlin (1876–1944), who had taught the subject in connection with church history at the University of Münster since 1910, and Robert Streit (a member of the Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary ), who wrote a large missionary bibliography ( Bibliotheca Missionum ). At the level of church politics, Aloys Fürst zu Löwenstein, a member of the Reichstag, promoted the establishment of the institute and served as its first chairman for many years. In the same year the magazine for missiology was founded as the first Catholic specialist magazine of this new theological discipline. The first editor and responsible editor was again Schmidlin.

The eventful history of the magazine includes name changes, forced recruitment during the Nazi and war times, and re-foundations. After the magazine was able to appear again in 1947, it gave itself in 1950 the name under which it still appears today: Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft (ZMR). In 1961, the IIMF celebrated its 50th anniversary with a conference hosted by Josef Glazik MSC, which was also attended by the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Proposition of the Faith, Cardinal Grégoire-Pierre Agagianian . In 2011 the institute celebrated its centenary with a ceremony. Five years later, the 100th year of the journal for missiology and religious studies appeared under the editorship of Mariano Delgado .



  • Mariano Delgado, Michael Sievernich, Klaus Vellguth (eds.): Transformations of missiology. Festschrift for the 100th year of the journal for missiology and religious studies, Sankt Ottilien 2016.

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Single receipts

  1. ^ Robert Streit: Bibliotheca Missionum. Volume 1 ff., Freiburg im Breisgau 1916 ff.