Iresine herbstii

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Iresine herbstii
Iresine herbstii

Iresine herbstii

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Foxtail family (Amaranthaceae)
Subfamily : Gomphrenoideae
Genre : Iresine
Type : Iresine herbstii
Scientific name
Iresine herbstii
Hook. ex Lindl.

Iresine herbstii is a species of plant from the foxtail family(Amaranthaceae). Iresine herbstii wasfirst publishedin 1864 by John Lindley : The Gardeners' Chronicle , 654. The original home is in the tropical climate of South America ( Brazil ).


Iresine herbstii grows as evergreen, perennial herbaceous plants and can reach heights of 1 to 2 meters; in culture they are trimmed to heights of a few decimeters. All parts of the plant can be more or less reddish, depending on the variety. The plants are hairy with multicellular trichomes. They are fleshy, mostly reddish stems are branched and upright to creeping. The opposite leaves are stalked and simple. The leaf stalks are 2 to 3 cm long. The circular, egg to heart-shaped leaf blades are 2 to 6 cm long. The leaf veins are often lighter than the rest of the leaf surface, which means that some varieties have beautiful leaf markings. The tip of the leaf can be pointed to two columns. The leaf margin is smooth.

Iresine herbstii are dioeciously separated sexes ( diocesan ). There are terminal and lateral, composite total inflorescences , which are composed of partial inflorescences of the year and formed with many flowers; they are up to 20 cm long. The membranous, glossy bracts and bracts are ovate and 1 to 1.5 mm long. The very small, sessile flowers are unisexual. There are only five membranous, about 1 to 1.25 mm large bracts present; they are usually white, yellowish-white or greenish. There are usually five fertile stamens in the male flowers . The stamens are fused at their base. The spherical, some acting compressed ovary contains only one ovule . There is at most a short (about 0.2 mm) stylus available. The fruits are spherical or compressed and contain only one seed.


Because of its leaves, it is popular as an ornamental plant. There are many varieties whose leaves or most of the plant parts are green to red to purple, e.g. B. Iresine herbstii aureoreticulata is green, but mixed colors are also possible. It can often be found in the gardens, but it does not tolerate the cold and is kept cool in the apartment or in the greenhouse. It is therefore most often seen as a potted plant for the windowsill. If Iresine herbstii suffers from drought, it can react significantly more sensitively than other plants and become extremely slack, but it regains its turgor pressure as soon as it has water available again.

It can be propagated well using cuttings . It also takes root quickly in a glass of water (not just on the node , but on various parts of the stem). Often it is cultivated as an annual and is drawn again and again.

Iresine herbstii 'aureoreticulata'


  • Bojian Bao, Thomas Borsch & Steven E. Clemants: Amaranthaceae in the Flora of China , Volume 5, p. 426: Iresine - Online.
  • CC Townsend: Amaranthaceae in the Flora of Pakistan : Iresine - Online.

Individual evidence

  1. Gordon Cheers (Ed.): Botanica: The ABC of plants. 10,000 types in text and images , Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003, ISBN 3-8331-1600-5 . ; therein p. 475.
  2. ^ R. Herwig, Het volkomen kamerplantenboek , Zomer & Kuening Boeken BV Ede, 1987.

Web links

Commons : Iresine herbstii  - collection of images, videos and audio files