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Lake Iruka from Owari-Hakusan 2011-01-02.jpg
Location: Aichi Prefecture , Chūbu , Japan
Drain: GojōShinkawaIse Bay
Irukaike (Aichi Prefecture)
Coordinates 35 ° 20 '30 "  N , 136 ° 59' 51"  E Coordinates: 35 ° 20 '30 "  N , 136 ° 59' 51"  E
Data on the structure

The Irukaike ( Japanese 入 鹿 池 , dt "Iruka pond"; sometimes incorrectly referred to as Iruhaike ) is a reservoir in the Japanese prefecture of Aichi . In 1868 the dam broke and caused a catastrophe with more than 1000 deaths.

The dam near Nagoya was completed in 1633 and had a capacity of 18 million m³. It was used to irrigate rice fields.

The barrier structure was a 27 to 28 m high and 700 m long earth dam . It was destroyed when it was flooded over in a flood . The death toll from the tidal wave is given in various reports as 1000, 1100 or 1200.

Today there is another dam at this point. The river Gojō (Gojō-gawa), which flows over the Shinkawa into the Ise Bay , is dammed .

See also


  • Lempérière, F. (Francois?) 'Dams that have failed by flooding: an analysis of 70 failures', Water Power and Dam Construction, September / October 1993. Volume 45, Number 9/10, pp 19-24.
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