Isaac Chaim Sr. Teixeira

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Isaac Chaim Senior Teixeira , also Manoel Teixeira or Manuel Teixeira (* 1631 in Antwerp , † June 15, 1705 in Amsterdam ) was a merchant , resident and leader of a Jewish community. He spent a large part of his life in Hamburg .

Live and act

Manoel Teixeira was the son of Abraham Senior Teixeira . He was raised multilingual and cosmopolitan. After the death of his father in 1666, he inherited his father's successful trading and insurance company alone. Teixeira owned an imposing residential building on Jungfernstieg and a garden house that was in Ottensen . Like Jacob Curiel before , he had a representative guest house on Krayenkamp, ​​which he made available as a regular meeting point for ambassadors from royal courts from all over Europe. Teixeira often gave larger and smaller amounts of money to the church and authorities in order to obtain their benevolence. For example, he supplied copper for the roof of the St. Michaelis main church, completed in 1699, to the value of 10,000 thalers, for which he did not accept any payment.

Teixeira financed its own yeshiva in Hamburg , in which Jakob Sasportas taught. Members of the institution were among the subscribers to the collection of sermons "Fin de los Dìas" by Moses Gideon Abudiente , which was published in 1666 in Glückstadt and Hamburg. In 1669/70 Austria decided to expel the Jews living there. At the request of the Vienna community, Teixeira stood up for them. The Danish government offered him a resident post in 1692, which Teixeira accepted seven years later. Because of disputes between the Hamburg Senate, the citizenship and the Portuguese living in Hamburg, Teixeira went to Amsterdam in 1699, along with the assets kept by banks, treasurers and on the stock exchange. This caused great turbulence on the Hamburg stock exchange . At his new place of residence, he immediately became a board member of the local community.


Jacob Judah Leon , who was briefly rabbi in Hamburg, dedicated the Spanish translation of the psalms Las Alabanças de Santidad to Manoel Teixeira , which was published in Amsterdam in 1670/71. The book Israel's Good News by Andreas Kempe is also dedicated to Manoel Teixeira.


Individual evidence

  1. Abraham Senior Teixeira on