Isaac Markus Jost

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Cover picture of the Jost biography by Heinrich Zirndorf

Isaak Markus Jost (also: Isaac Markus Jost ; born February 22, 1793 in Bernburg / Saale ; † November 20, 1860 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a Jewish German historian.

Life path

Jost studied in Göttingen and Berlin. 1824-1825 and 1831-1835 he was a board member of the Society of Friends , to which he had belonged since 1817. In 1835 he moved from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. From 1835 to 1860 Jost taught at the Philanthropin in Frankfurt. In 1837, together with Michael Hess (1782–1860), he became the responsible editor of the Israelite Department of the impartial universal church newspaper for the clergy and the educated world class of Protestant, Catholic and Israelite Germany , which in 1837 in Frankfurt from Julius, who converted from Protestantism to Catholicism Hoeninghaus was founded and initially banned by the Prussian censors and then appeared twice a week for a year. Between 1839 and 1841 he published the Israelitische Annalen , a weekly magazine that dealt with and pioneered the critical research into Jewish history and culture.

When Jost wrote his nine-volume History of the Israelites from the Maccabees to Our Days in the 1820s, Jewish historiography was at the beginning of its development. About 100 years earlier, Jacques Basnage (1653–1723) had also written important works in this field.

Jost, along with Leopold Zunz, was one of the most famous Jewish historians of the 19th century.


On June 12, 1808, under the Grand Orient de France, the Masonic lodge L'Aurore naissante ("To the rising dawn") was founded in Frankfurt with the help of the Mainz lodge Les amis réunis , which mainly accepted Jews. Jost was a member of Ludwig Börne , Berthold Auerbach , Michael Creizenach and Gabriel Riesser .

Works (selection)

  • History of the Israelites from the Maccabees to our own day. 9 volumes. 1820-1829
  • General history of the Israelite people. 2 volumes. 1832
  • Explanatory dictionary for Shakspeare's plays. 1830


Individual evidence

  1. Beata Mache: Big steps in small things. Jewish life 1837 in the Universal-Kirchenzeitung. Kalonymos , 16, 2013, no. 4, pp. 9-13 online
  2. General Handbook of Freemasonry. 2nd edition to Lenning's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Max Hesses's publishing house, Leipzig 1900
  3. Jost was a regular employee of the Sippurim