Isabella of Castile (1283-1328)

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Isabella of Castile (* 1283 in Toro ; † July 24, 1328 ) was an Infanta of Castile and 1291-1295 Queen of Aragon and 1312-1328 Duchess of Brittany .


Isabella was the eldest daughter of King Sancho IV of Castile-León and his wife María de Molina . According to the Treaty of Monteagudo (December 1, 1291), when she was only eight years old, she became the wife of 24-year-old King James II of Aragon; the couple's wedding took place in Soria . However, the marriage was not consummated and after the death of Sanchos IV in 1295 at the instigation of Jacob II, the latter was politically reoriented and, after his separation from Isabella, married Blanka von Anjou , daughter of King Charles II of Naples, for the second time .

Blanka's brother Robert von Anjou , who became king of Naples in 1309, asked in vain for Isabella's hand and other marriage projects were also unsuccessful. Finally, María de Molina managed to get her daughter Isabella to marry Johann , son of Duke Arthur II of Brittany, in 1310 in Burgos . When Arthur II died in 1312, his eldest son followed him as Johann III. to the throne, making Isabella Duchess of Brittany. Your marriage to Johann III. remained childless.

On the occasion of his marriage to Isabella, Johann III. Transfer the Vice-County of Limoges to her. But his brother Guy refused to ratify this donation. In March 1314 then Johann III enfeoffed. his brother with the disputed vice county. Isabella protested to the Pope against this and was right by his bull of September 1, 1314; she got her vice-county back in 1317 and Johann's brother Guy got the county Penthièvre as compensation .

Isabella died in 1328 at the age of 45 without heirs and was buried in the Prières monastery at Billiers .
