Itamar Franco

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Itamar Franco 2004

Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco [ itɐˈmaɾ ˈfɾɐ̃ku ] (born June 28, 1930 , † July 2, 2011 in São Paulo ) was a Brazilian politician . He was President of his country from October 2, 1992 to December 31, 1994 .


Itamar Franco was born on the high seas while traveling from Salvador da Bahia to Rio de Janeiro . His birth was recorded in Salvador da Bahia, where his widowed mother was living at the time. His family came from Juiz de Fora in the state of Minas Gerais . He grew up there and graduated from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in 1955 with a degree in engineering . Franco was mayor ( Prefeito ) of the city from 1967 to 1971 and then again from 1973 to 1974. After that, he gave up the office and ran successfully as representative of Minas Gerais for the Senate .

Later Franco was one of the most important politicians in the Movimento Democrático Brasileiro, the "Brazilian Democratic Movement". This was the official opposition group during the military dictatorship (1964–1985). After he was re-elected as a Senator in 1982, he was defeated in the 1986 elections for governor of Minas Gerais, in which he ran as a candidate for the Liberal Party (PL).

After becoming Vice President in 1989, he succeeded Fernando Collor de Mello in 1992 when the latter fell due to corruption. His presidency laid the foundation for positive economic development in the country. After his presidency, he served as his country's ambassador to Portugal from 1995 to 1997 . In the gubernatorial elections in 1998 Franco was victorious and became governor of Minas Gerais on January 1, 1999. On January 1, 2003, he was replaced by Aécio Neves as governor.

In mid-1994, he agreed to the Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e ECONOMICAS (IBASE), headed by Herbert de Souza and 400,000 tons of grain to donate , which were stored in the memories of the state.


On May 21, 2011 Itamar Franco was diagnosed with leukemia , so he went to São Paulo for treatment at the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital . On June 27th, the hospital announced in the medical bulletin that an additional pneumonia had made Itamar Franco's state of health even worse. He died on the morning of July 2, 2011.

The Zona da Mata regional airport is named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Morre o senador e ex-presidente Itamar Franco, aos 81 anos . From July 2, 2011 (Portuguese)
predecessor Office successor
Fernando Collor de Mello President of Brazil
Fernando Henrique Cardoso