Iuri Akobia

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Iuri Akobia

Iuri Abramowitsch Akobia ( Georgian იური აკობია ; born May 20, 1937 in Anaklia , Georgia ; † November 4, 2014 ) was a Georgian author of chess compositions . He often worked with other composers such as Dawit Gurgenidze . Most recently he specialized in depictions of mutual pressure .

Akobia was the author of a number of books on chess studies, initially with Gia Nadareishvili . From 1995 to 2002 he wrote a series of booklets with the title "Study Mosaic" together with Dawit Gurgenidse.


Iuri Akobia
Československý šach , 1992
  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  
White to move wins

Template: checkerboard / maintenance / new


1. Nd7 – b6 + Kc8xc7
2. Nb6 – d5 + Kc7 – d6
3. Kg6 – f6 !! d2 – d1D
4. c4 – c5 +! Bb4xc5
5. Nd5 – c3! Dd1xd3
6. Re5-d5 + Dd3xd5
7. Sc3-b5 matt


Akobia was a radio physicist. From 1975 to 1996 he was at the "National Center of Radio and TV" in Georgia. He then worked in Guangzhou Province in China until 2000 .


  • Iuri Akobia and Gia Nadareishvili, Mat w Etjudach , Isdatelstwo Sakartwelo, Tbilissi, 1990, ISBN 5-529-00496-2 (Russian)
  • Iuri Akobia, World Anthology of Chess Studies: 4232 Studies with Stalemate , Maryville Enterprises Ltd, Tbilisi, 1994, ISBN 5-85723-009-8
  • Iuri Akobia; Gia Nadareishvili, World Anthology of Chess Studies: 4492 Studies with Mate , Maryville Enterprises Ltd, Tbilisi, 1994, ISBN 5-85723-009-8
  • Iuri Akobia, World Anthology of Chess Studies: 4324 Studies with Positional Draw , Maryville Enterprises Ltd, Tbilisi, 1995, ISBN 5-85723-009-8
  • Iuri Akobia and Dawit Gurgenidse: Study Mosaic , 13 volumes, 1995–2002

Individual references and sources

  1. Harold van der Heijden: Iuri Akobia (20v1937 - 4xi2014) . In: eg 199, January 2015, pp. 8–9. Quotation from Dawit Gurgenidse, footnote on p. 9: "Iuri Akobia passed away on late November 4th, not November 5th like I have posted"

Web links

Commons : Iuri Akobia  - collection of images, videos and audio files