Ivan Rukavina

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Ivan Rukavina (born January 26, 1912 in Otočac , Lika , today Croatia ; † August 18, 1992 in Zagreb ) was Colonel General of the Yugoslav People's Liberation Army and is a popular hero among his supporters .


From December 1936 until the fall of Catalonia he fought in the Spanish Civil War with the rank of major at the side of the Republicans. After the Second World War he was a Yugoslav military attaché in Paris. On the VI. and VII. Congress of the BdKJ he was elected a member of the Central Committee. After the fall of the Croatian Spring , he was forced into retirement and excluded from all public offices. After the outbreak of the Croatian War he was a defense advisor to the Croatian People's Party .


  • Michael Portmann : The military administration for the Banat, the Backa and the Baranja. With special consideration of the German- and Hungarian-speaking minority , Akademische Schriftenreihe, Grin Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3638802469

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  1. Googlebooks