Ivos Margoni

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Ivos Margoni (* 1929 in Riva del Garda ; † January 21, 2006 ibid) was an Italian poet, Romanist , French writer, translator and photographer.

life and work

Margoni attended school in Riva. He studied with Glauco Natoli in Pisa from 1948 to 1952 and graduated with a thesis on Rimbaud . From 1952 to 1965 he stayed in Paris, first as a student at the École normal supérieure , then as a lecturer in Italian at the Lycée Henri IV and at the Sorbonne , and finally as a researcher at the Center national de la recherche scientifique . From 1965 to 1995 he taught French language and literature in Italy at the Università Gabriele d'Annunzio ( Chieti and Pescara ), at the University of Naples (from 1970 to 1985), at the University of Calabria and at the University of Siena .


  • (Ed.) Arthur Rimbaud, Opere , Milan 1964, most recently 2006
  • “Fin'amors”, “mezura” e “cortezia”. Saggio sulla lirica provenzale del XII secolo , Milan and Varese 1965
  • (Ed. And translator) Jacques Prévert , Storie e altre storie , Milan 1965, most recently 2006
  • (Ed.) Lautréamont , Opere complete , Turin 1967, 1976
  • (Ed. And translator with Franca Madonia 1926–1981) Jacques Prévert, Il Prévert di Prévert , Milan 1967, 1983
  • (Ed. And translator with Franca Madonia) Jacques Prévert, Immenso e Rosso , Milan 1967, 1984
  • (Translator) Henri Michaux , Lo spazio interiore , Turin 1968
  • (Ed. And translator) Jules Laforgue , Poesie e Prose , Milan 1971, most recently 1998
  • (Ed. And translator with Franca Madonia) Jacques Prévert, Parole. Canzoni. Poetry , Milan 1971
  • (Ed.) Per conoscere André Breton e il surrealismo , Milan 1976
  • (Ed. And translator with Cesare Colletta) Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminazioni , Milan 1981
  • (Ed. And translator with Franca Madonia) Jacques Prévert, Poesie d'amore , Milan 1986
  • (Ed. And translator) Lautréamont, I canti di Maldoror. Poetry. Lettere , Turin, 1989
  • Lach , Trient 1997 (own photographs)
  • (Ed. And translator) Michel Leiris , Carabattole , Turin 1998
  • Flegree , Trient 2000 (own poetry)
  • Camere oscure , Trient 2002 (own photographs)
  • (Translator with Cesare Colletta) Arthur Rimbaud, poetry. Una stagione in inferno. Illuminazioni , Milan 2004
  • (Translator with Bona de Mandiargues 1926–2000) Henri Michaux, Passenger 1937-1963 , Milan 2012


  • Ivos Margoni. Atti del Convegno (November 7-8, 2008) , ed. by G. Riccadonna, Riva del Garda 2009, pp. 73-103
  • Il simbolismo. Nomi, aspetti, momenti. Studi in memoria di Ivos Margoni , ed. by Lionello Sozzi, in: Studi francesi 54, 160, 2010

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