Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy

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Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy

Iwan Iwanowitsch Tolstoi ( Russian Иван Иванович Толстой , scientific transliteration Ivan Ivanovič Tolstoj ; * 6 May July / 18 May  1858 greg .; † 7 May July / 20 May  1916 greg. In Haspra ) was a Russian statesman , Numismatist and archaeologist .


Ivan Tolstoy was a member of the family of Count Tolstoy . His parents were the Russian minister Ivan Matwejewitsch Tolstoy (1806-1867) and Elisabeta Wassiliewna Tulinowa (1826-1870). The art historian Dmitri Ivanovich Tolstoy (1860–1941) was his brother. The classical philologist Iwan Iwanowitsch Tolstoy (1880–1954) was his son. He studied law at the University of St. Petersburg.

He was a member of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society , from 1885 to 1890 its secretary, from 1893 its vice-president. In 1886 he became a member of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. From 1893 he was Vice President of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg . From 1911 he was chairman of the Russian Society of Numismatists and also chairman of the Russian Society for the Study of Jewish Life. In 1882 he became an honorary member of the Estonian Scholarly Society in Dorpat .

From July 1905 to February 1906 he was Russian Minister of Education and from 1912 to 1916 Mayor of St. Petersburg . He was buried in the Nikolaus Cemetery in St. Petersburg.


  • with Nikodim Kondokow : Russkija drevnosti v pamjatnikach iskusstva [Russian antiquity in its art monuments]. 6 volumes, Saint Petersburg 1889–1899,
    • French translation of the first three volumes: Antiquités de la Russie meridionale . 2 volumes, Leroux, Paris 1891–1893.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Tolstoj, Ivan Ivanovič. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital