Ivan Vasilyevich Kireevsky

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Ivan Vasilyevich Kireevsky

Ivan Kireyevsky ( Russian Иван Васильевич Киреевский ; born March 22 . Jul / 3. April  1806 greg. In Moscow ; † June 11 jul. / 23. June  1856 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian writer , publicist and Alexei Khomyakov the most important theoretician of the Slavophiles .


Kirejewski grew up in a family home characterized by romanticism and emotionalism, where he also came into contact with the writings of Locke and Helvétius . Like most of the Slavophiles , he was a noble landowner. As a young adult, he also came into contact with German intellectuals and had contact with Hegel , Schleiermacher , Oken and Schelling , among others .

Kirejewski also published the magazine of the Europeans in 1832 and briefly edited the Moscow in 1845 .


On the one hand, Kireevski's central concern was Russia's relationship with Europe ; on the other hand, he wanted to overcome the difference between knowledge and belief. For him, Europe was shaped by the rationalist way of thinking that did not allow for a holistic approach. The Ur-Russian tradition, on the other hand, was based on precisely this holistic approach, but it was made possible by Russia's rapprochement with western thought traditions (e.g. through the Raskol , i.e. the split of the Russian Old Believers from the Orthodox Church , or e.g. through the attempts at modernization by Peter dem Large ) got lost. Kireevsky sought the reconciliation of this old and the new Russian tradition.


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