József Balogh (philologist)

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József Balogh (born June 12, 1893 in Gödöllő ; † April 2 (?) 1944 ) was a Hungarian publicist , classical philologist and literary historian .


The family name of Balogh's ancestors was originally Blum . It was not until his father Ármin, a history and literature teacher at the Budapest Rabbinical Seminary , that he adopted the Hungarian name Balogh . Through his father's close ties to the Kornfeld banking family, József Balogh developed a close friendship with his future patron Móric Kornfeld , a son-in-law of the industrialist Manfréd Weiss .

Both Kornfeld and Balogh converted from the Jewish to the Catholic faith. After studying in Budapest , Berlin , Munich and Freiburg , Balogh dealt intensively with late antique and early Christian literature. His most important individual publication as a classical philologist was a two-volume translation of the Confessions of the Doctor of the Church Augustine . As a publicist, Balogh fought for the preservation of ancient language teaching and thus against the school reforms introduced by Minister Kunó von Klebelsberg in the 1920s.

In the 1930s, Balogh organized various magazine projects for former Prime Minister István Bethlen , including the Nouvelle Revue de Hongrie (together with György Ottlik ) and The Hungarian Quarterly . After the invasion of German troops in March 1944, Balogh went into hiding. However, he was caught and probably died in a west Hungarian camp at the beginning of April that year .

Works (selection)

  • "Vasa lecta et pretiosa. Szent Ágoston konfessziói. Egy stílustörténeti tanulmány vázlata." Franklin, Budapest 1918.
  • "Voces Paginarum. Contributions to the history of reading and writing aloud." Dietrich, Leipzig 1927.
  • "A klasszikus műveltségért." Parthenon, Budapest 1934.


  • (Franz Dornseiff and Joseph Balogh): "Dante Alighieri: On poetry in the mother tongue / De vulgari eloquentia." Richl, Darmstadt 1925.
  • "Szent Ágoston vallomásai." 2 vols. Parthenon, Budapest 1943.


  • Frank, Tibor: "Editing as Politics. József Balogh and The Hungarian Quarterly", in: The Hungarian Quarterly 34 (1993), No. 129, pp. 5-13.
  • Demeter, Tamás: "From Classical Studies Towards Epistemology. The Work of József Balogh", in: Studies in East European Thought 51 (1999), 4, pp. 287-305
  • Frank, Tibor: "A patrisztikától a politikáig. Balogh József (1893–1944)", in: Erdei, Gyöngyi / Nagy, Balázs (eds.): Változatok a történelemre.Tanulmányok Székely tiszteletére. Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, Budapest 2004, ISBN 963-9340-41-3 , pp. 391-404.
  • Széchenyi, Ágnes: "Introduction", in: Kornfeld, Móric: Reflections on Twentieth Century Hungary. A Hungarian Magnate's View. Social Science Monographs, Boulder 2007, ISBN 978-0-88033-614-7 , pp. 1-94.

Web links

  • Biography in the Magyar Életrajzi Lexicon 1000-1990 (Hungarian).
  • József Balogh in the database of the Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center (Hungarian).