Jörg-Michael Hormann

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Jörg-Michael Hormann (born June 5, 1949 in Binnen , Nienburg / Weser district ; † August 5, 2019 ) was a German non-fiction author and freelance publicist .


Hormann studied architecture in Hanover and then worked for around 15 years as an editor for various publishing houses. From 1995 he worked as a freelancer and published numerous books as well as around 200 specialist articles on military, transport and art history with a maritime focus. Jörg-Michael Hormann was married and had two children. He last lived with his family near Oldenburg in northern Germany.

Hormann published an art monograph on the life and work of the marine painter Willy Stöwer . In doing so, he managed to locate many of his works. He was also the organizer of the Stöwer exhibition project in 2000 and 2002 under the motto "Art needs favor!".

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice , accessed on October 27, 2019