Jewish cemetery (Saarwellingen)

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Outer wall and entrance gate
View of the cemetery
Memorial stone

The Jewish cemetery in Saarwellingen was the cemetery of the Jewish community in Saarwellingen in the Saarland . It is one of the oldest verifiable Jewish cemeteries in Saarland and is a listed building.


After the first Jews settled in Saarwellingen in 1671, a cemetery was laid out around 1725. The oldest surviving grave dates from 1829, the last burial took place in September 1936.

The cemetery was devastated in 1884. The gate of the cemetery was destroyed and several tombstones were knocked over. During the November pogroms in 1938, the cemetery was desecrated again and then leveled in the last days of the war. After 1945 it was restored by the Saar synagogue community , but only 37 tombstones are completely preserved. In 2012 the cemetery was renovated, in which the cemetery wall and the entrance gate were prepared and paths and graves were tended.


Fragments of destroyed tombstones were piled up to form a memorial. On March 26, 1950, a memorial stone was inaugurated in the cemetery. The inscription commemorates the persecution: Dedicated to the former synagogue community Saarwellingen, its place of worship, its members who succumbed to brute force, to the Jewish people laid to rest in this earth with piety and deep reverence.


  • Circle of Friends for the Rescue of Jewish Cultural Property in Saarland V., State Conservatory Office of the Saarland (ed.): The cord is loose - the ribbon is broken. Jewish cemeteries in Saarland. Circle of Friends for the Rescue of Jewish Cultural Property in Saarland V. u. a., Saarbrücken 2004, p. 56 f.

Web links

Commons : Jüdischer Friedhof (Saarwellingen)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. List of monuments in the district of Saarlouis ( Memento of the original from April 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , List of monuments of the Saarland, State Monuments Office Saarland, p. 20  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Epigraphic database of the Steinheim Institute

Coordinates: 49 ° 21 '10.9 "  N , 6 ° 48' 57.5"  E