Jürgen Höller

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Jürgen Höller (born October 19, 1963 in Schweinfurt ) is a German motivational speaker and author.


Höller founded his first company at the age of 19 and went through several bankruptcies until he finally built a fitness studio and entered the consulting market. Since 1988 Höller has also worked as a speaker, trainer and author. Since the early 1990s he has been organizing motivational seminars in which he offers a mixture of different techniques that ostensibly have a positive effect on the subconscious , namely positive thinking , NLP , hypnosis and mental training.

In 2001, Höller wanted to go to the Neuer Markt with the training company Inline AG he founded and, with the money from the stock exchange, become the “world's largest group in the field of training”. However, the planned IPO failed and Inline had to file for bankruptcy on December 21, 2001 .

In 2003, Höller was sentenced to three years in prison by the Würzburg regional court for false affidavit, breach of trust and deliberate bankruptcy. Because of his good conduct, he was released in May 2004 after partially serving his prison sentence and founded Jürgen Höller KG.

Fonts (selection)

Secondary literature

Film adaptations

The filmmaker Doris Metz published her film I will be rich and happy about Jürgen Höller in 2002 .

The 75-minute documentary Der Motivationstrainer premiered at the 51st Hof International Film Festival 2017 . For a year and a half, filmmakers Martin Rieck and Julian Amershi accompanied Jürgen Höller and his assistant coach Mike Dierssen through their “Power Days”. "It's one of the most interesting current films about this country," wrote Bert Rebhandl in the FAZ . "People used to pray to God, now they try to position themselves in such a way that the universe speaks primarily to them - in the form of ideas, vibrations or, best of all, direct money." The film was shown on September 4, 2018 in Das First premiered.

Individual evidence

  1. The Jürgen Höller Story , accessed on February 26, 2019
  2. Book from prison: fairy tale hour with Jürgen Höller - DER SPIEGEL - Job & Karriere. Retrieved August 2, 2020 .
  3. Three years in prison . Manager Magazin , April 8, 2003
  4. Jürgen Höller: Tamed and cleansed and released from prison. Retrieved August 2, 2020 .
  5. Ex-media star confessed to infidelity and deliberate bankruptcy: three years imprisonment for motivational speaker Höller. Retrieved August 7, 2020 .
  6. Jürgen Höller: Tamed and cleansed and released from prison. Retrieved August 2, 2020 .
  7. Motivational coaching at work: Jürgen Höller - the ups and downs of a guru. Retrieved August 2, 2020 .
  8. Jürgen Höller - the ups and downs of a guru , Handelsblatt, February 2, 2015
  9. CINEMA online: I'll get rich and happy (2002) - Film | cinema.de. Retrieved February 25, 2020 .
  10. Bert Rebhandl: Motivation is a commodity . In: FAZ . No. 253 . Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Frankfurt November 1, 2017, p. 12 .
  11. Christoph Twickel: How capitalism becomes religion , Spiegel Online from September 4, 2018; accessed on September 5, 2018

Web links