Jürgen Richolff the Elder

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Jürgen Richolff (the Elder, also Georg Richolff , * in the second half of the 15th century ; † probably in 1516 in Lübeck ) was in Lübeck and Münster active printer .


Nothing is known about Richolff's origins and youth. In 1499 he was first put on record in Lübeck, where he presumably learned the printing trade from Lucas Brandis .

A calendar for the year 1501 can be identified as the first print from his own workshop, followed by a Middle Low German prayer book that appeared in 1501. For these works he used a typeface that had also been used by Steffen Arndes . A connection between the two workshops is therefore assumed.

In 1506 he completed an important commissioned work, Alanus de Rupes Marienpsalter , which the Swedish ruler Svante Sture had ordered from him. A year later followed with Siburtius' Ars memorativa a work of pedagogical literature.

Between 1508 and 1510 he worked in Münster, and from 1511 again in Lübeck, where he printed, among other things, a Latin sermon by Geert Groote . Otherwise, religious literature, calendars and books for school use have been preserved from his production .

After his death, his workshop was initially continued by his widow Anneke, whom he had married before 1494, and after her death († May 5, 1518) by their son Jürgen Richolff the Younger .


Individual evidence

  1. Lohmeier (Lit.), p. 78

Web links

Wikisource: Jürgen Richolff the Elder  - Sources and full texts