JFK Reloaded

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JFK Reloaded is a first-person shooter from the Scottish game developer Traffic Games. The content of the game is the as detailed as possible reconstruction of the assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 . The time and point of the three shots play a role in the awarding of points. The more realistic and historically correct the shots, the higher the final score.

The game is available for download only and was initially released on November 21, 2004 at $ 9.99. In the game version 1.0 there was the game option "Competition Run", with which the manufacturer recorded game courses and high scores for a competition. The winner of this competition, Frenchman Stephane Krupa, received a prize of US $ 10,712. In version 1.1 this point was dropped, and the price was reduced to $ 4.99.


The player takes on the role of Lee Harvey Oswald and is armed with a sniper rifle at a window in the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas . In contrast to other first-person shooters, the player cannot change the position of his character. On the streets modeled on the real Dallas, the president's motorcade takes a preprogrammed route that is modeled after the actual route. The player has the task of firing three shots with the sniper rifle, which should come as close as possible to the historical sequence. As soon as a timer has expired or the motorcade has passed the railway bridge over Elm Street, the actual game ends and the evaluation begins.

In the evaluation, the player can first watch a repetition of what is happening, fast-forward and rewind and freely choose the camera perspectives. In the second part of the evaluation, a freely rotating model of the presidential limousine and its occupants is shown; The trajectories of the projectiles are shown in this model and their effects are also listed. In the third part of the evaluation, the attack carried out by the player is assessed according to points. The correct time of firing and the point of impact play a role for each of the three shots. Likewise, it is important that the assassination ends right and that John F. Kennedy is killed, while John Connally , governor of Texas, is only injured and the two wives, Jacqueline Kennedy and Nellie Connally, are unharmed. Deviations from this will be penalized with minus points, as will the firing of further bullets.

1000 points can be achieved for a perfect imitation of the attack. Stephane Krupa's current world record is 782 points.

The routes taken by the vehicles can be indirectly influenced by gunshots at the respective drivers, as they sometimes responded to fire with spontaneous acceleration or were unable to drive due to hits. In this way, it is also possible that the vehicle occupants perish in a car accident, which, as mentioned, is punished by loss of points.

There are individual modifications of the game, for example adding a crowd at the roadside, modifying the player's weapon, other positions for the player such as e.g. B. allow the Grassy Knoll or provide the Kennedy model with a skin by George W. Bush .


Not only the content of the game, but the fact that it was released on the 41st anniversary of JFK's death caused much controversy around the world.

David Smith, spokesman for Senator Edward Kennedy , called the game "despicable".

Kirk Ewing, the managing director of Traffic Games, however, called the game "a kind of reconstruction of the event with the help of video game technology". In addition, as reported by GameStar , Ewing “does not believe in conspiracy theories and wants to use the documentary game to prove that Oswald was solely responsible for the murder of Kennedy.” An AP report on the game also reported that “Ewing should take the young one Generation to 'introduce this fascinating epoch of American history' and refute conspiracy theories for the assassination of Kennedy. ”In an article published by Spiegel Online , journalist Frank Patalong described the game as“ cynical ”and spoke of a“ calculated scandal ”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tracy Fullerton: Documentary Games: Putting the Player in the Path of History ( Memento of the original from November 18, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 713 kB), p. 15 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.tracyfullerton.com
  2. Markus Pilzweger in PC Welt on November 23, 2004, JFK Reloaded: PC game causes outrage .
  3. Gamestar.de: JFK Reloaded - Kennedy assassination to replay , article from November 22, 2004
  4. Stern.de: "JFK Reloaded" - computer game outraged the Kennedys , AP report, November 22, 2004
  5. Frank Patalong in Spiegel Online : $ 100,000 for Digital Replay of the Kennedy Murder , article from November 22, 2004