Jacob Hieronymus Lochner (theologian)

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Jacob Hieronymus Lochner

Jacob Hieronymus Lochner (born March 1, 1649 in Nuremberg ; died July 26, 1700 in Bremen ) was a German Protestant pastor, theologian and most recently superintendent in Bremen. He was also a playwright and poet and a member of the Pegnese Order of Flowers .


Lochner's parents were Friedrich Lochner, magistrate registrar in Nuremberg and, under the name Periander, also a member of the Pegnese Flower Order , and Florentine Heinrich. His older brother was the pastor and hymn poet Karl Friedrich Lochner .

Lochner married Magdalene Justine Varenius in 1777, daughter of Rostock professor August Varenius . From this marriage came a son, the future university professor Jacob Hieronymus Lochner the Younger , born in 1683 , and a daughter, Anna Charitas Lochner, born in 1686.


  • Candor Germanorum Hodienum Vivus. Altdorf 1669.
  • Christmas poem in honor of the most holy birth of Christ. Altdorf 1672.
  • Semicenturiam thesium philosophicarum de dubitatione, ut vocant, Cartesiana. Rostock 1674.
  • Rosimunda or The Scented Avenger: Mourning Game / designed by the Pegnitz shepherd Amyntas. Frankfurt & Leipzig 1676.
  • Disputatio Inauguralis Theologica De Separatismo. Dissertation Rostock 1686.
  • Withdrawal sermon, in the church of St. Nicolai in Wismar, [...] from the Evangelio Matth. 22, v. 34 - 46.Bremen 1686.
  • Suit sermon in the royal Swedish cathedral and main churches Sanct Petri, in Bremen, on Wednesday November 17th of the 1686th year of Christ, from the 2nd epist. to the Corinthians on Cap II. from 14th to 17th verse. Bremen 1686.
  • Disputatio inauguralis theologica de separatismo. Dissertation Rostock 1686.
  • Vox Turturis In Septentrione audita, Oratione Seculari, cum Sacra Eucharistica in toto Sveciae Regno & subiacentibus Germaniae Provinciis de Augustanae Confessionis Confirmatione in Concilio Upsaliensi ACMDXCIII. habito feliciter instituta fierent, in Auditorio Maiori Regii Athenaei Bremensis pronunciata. Bremen 1693.
  • The highly esteemed and most protected crown […] Bremen 1693 (funeral sermon for Ulrike Eleonore of Denmark ).
  • The burning and shining church light: with a handsome corpse burial of the once well-venerable / honorable and highly learned Mr. Hn. M. Johannis Knüttelii […] Stade 1694.
  • Right without wrong and pure poisoned in appearance. Bremen 1699.
  • The well-chosen glory Bey guarding the door in God's house / from the LXXXIVth Psalm IIth verse. To the honorary memory of the former ... Mr. / M. Caroli Friderici Lochner, on the honorary memory of his brother. Bremen 1699.


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