Jacobus Voorda

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Jacobus Voorda

Jacobus Voorda (born January 28, 1698 in Harlingen , † June 10, 1768 in Leeuwarden ) was a Dutch legal scholar.


The son of the lawyer Joost Voorda and his wife Maria Suringar studied at Franeker University from 1713 . Here were Zacharias Huber (1669-1731) and Johann Ortwin Westenberg his teachers. On July 1, 1718, he received his doctorate in law under Westenberg, then worked as a lawyer in Leeuwarden and in 1723 became a law lecturer at the University of Franeker. In 1727 he was appointed associate professor of law and on March 18, 1730 full professor of the same in Franeker.

On June 12, 1730 he was appointed professor of civil law at the University of Utrecht , which he took over on September 11, 1730 with the speech De prudentia Romanorum in condendis XII Tabularum legibus . Despite a call to the University of Leiden, he stayed in Utrecht, where he was given the professorship for modern law on August 7, 1737, which he took up on August 12, 1737. In these functions he also participated in the organizational tasks of the Utrecht University and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1734/35 and 1754/55 . For health reasons, he left his professorship on September 15, 1760 and moved to Leeuwarden, where he was a member of the Frisian state government for a short time.

His three sons Bavius ​​Voorda (1729–1799), Gerard Jacob Voorda (1735–1805) and the law professor Johann Henricus Voorda (1732–1814) came from his marriage to Petronella Beucker, the daughter of councilor Johannes Beucker, in 1726 .


  • Commentarius ad Legem Falcidiam et Dissertatio de legato Partitionis. Harlingen, 1730,
  • Oratio de Prudentia Romanorum in condendis XII tabularum legibus. Franeker 1730,
  • Interpretationes et emendationes Juris Romani, Utrecht 1730, recognita, insigniter aucta et in tres libros distincta quorum tertius plane novus. Utrecht 1768,
  • Oratio per Decretalibus Pontificum Romanorum. Utrecht 1735.
  • Justitiae sacerdos sive oratio de Jureconsulto, viro bono, dicta Trajecti a d. VIII Cal. Octobr. 1736 quum Hermannum van Vianen supremis utroque in jure honoribus publice solenniter ac majorum more ornaret. Utrecht 1736
  • Differentiae Juris Romani et Belgici secundum ordincm Digestorum. Utrecht 1744,
  • Electorum liber singularis. Utrecht 1749,
  • Z. Valckenaer, Diss. De Peculio quasi castriensi o. 2nd p. 7. Schott, impartial criticism. on legal writings Th. I, SI
  • Orationes duae de Prudentia Romonorum in condendis legibus XII tabalarum, gevoegd bij Electorum liber.
  • Oratio de iis, quae a jurereconsulto vero et justitiae sacerdote exiguntur, dicta. Utrecht 1736,
  • Oratio in Jus Justinianeum, dicta die 28 Martu 1755, cum fasces academicos iterum deponeret.
  • Oratio de utilitate, quam habet ars nostra, dicta Trajecti die 7 October Ao. 1756. cum FJ van Wertreenen and JH Voorda, more majorum juris utriusque doctores renuntiabat.
  • Hij beoefende in zijn jeugd ook de Latijnsche poezy, blijkens zijn Carmen, hexametris. scriptum in honorem Seb Fridag Ao. 1710 publice disputantis.
  • Tot zijne nagelatene writings behooren Notae quam plurimae ad edit. Corp. Jur. Rome. a Gothofredo carutam No. 1626.
  • Notae ad Muideni compendium Institutionum.
  • Notae ad Westenbergii Principia juris secundum ordinem Pandeclarum.
  • Notae ad Heinecci elementa.
  • Notae ad Heinecci Antiquitates.
  • Notae Syntagma.
  • Notae ad Huberi praelectiones.
  • Notae ad Sandii Decisiones.
  • Notae ad Statuta Frisiaca etc Praelectiones ad Pandectas cet.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. other information January 17, 1690