Jacques Chalmot du Portail

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Jacques Chalmot du Portail (* 1656 from Poitou ; † 1731 ) was a royal Prussian lieutenant general of the cavalry and from 1704 to 1714 chief of the Cuirassier Regiment No. 6, then until 1717 of the Cuirassier Regiment No. 12 .

He was a member of the French army and fled to Brandenburg after the edict of Nantes was repealed . There he joined the Brandenburg Army. In 1686 he was Rittmeister , in 1691 he became major in the Cuirassier Regiment No. 6, which had the Marquis du Hamel as chief. On September 12, 1702 he became a colonel with the Grand Musketeers and fought in the War of the Spanish Succession . In 1704 he became chief of the Cuirassier Regiment No. 6. In 1705 he became major general of the cavalry and on October 10, 1717 also lieutenant general. Already in 1714 it exchanged it with Wilhelm Gustav von Anhalt-Dessau for his regiment no.12 . He retired in 1717 and died in 1731.
