Jakob Demmerle

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Jakob Demmerle (born September 15, 1897 in Börrstadt , † March 23, 1968 in Rockenhausen ) was a German farmer and politician ( CDU ).

Life and work

Demmerle was born the son of a farmer. After graduating from primary school and attending the three-year advanced training school, he worked from 1914 on his parents' farm and in a coal and building materials company. From 1916 to 1918 he participated in the First World War . In 1919 Demmerle took over the management of his parents' business. After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists, he was arrested several times and in 1934 interned in the Dachau concentration camp for six months . In 1939 he had to do military service again (construction battalion Westwall ). Later he worked again as a merchant and farmer.


Demmerle served as mayor of Börrstadt from 1925 to 1933 and again from 1945 . In 1930 he became a member of the Center Party . Demmerle joined the CDP after 1945 , from which the Rhineland-Palatinate state association of the CDU later emerged. He was a co-founder of the CDU in the Rockenhausen district and the Pfalz district, district chairman of the Rockenhausen CDU and a member of the Rockenhausen district council.

Demmerle was a member of the Advisory State Assembly of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate in 1946/47 and was then elected to the Rhineland-Palatinate Landtag , to which he belonged until his resignation on July 31, 1965. In the state parliament he was a member of the Agricultural Policy Committee, the Food and Supply Committee, the Legal Committee, the Rules of Procedure and the Petitions Committee.



  • The President of the Landtag Rhineland-Palatinate (ed.): The representatives of the free people: The members of the Consultative State Assembly and the Landtag Rhineland-Palatinate from 1946 to 2015 , 2016, ISBN 3-658-04751-8 , pp. 131–132 .