Jakob Veith

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Jakob Veith (born July 13, 1758 in Wallern ; † May 13, 1833 in Liboch ) was a Bohemian entrepreneur in the textile industry , large landowner and humanist .


Veith came from a poor background. The press later claimed that he was a servant of a rich man at one point, but this was vehemently denied by his grandson. Veith learned the trade of weaver and at the age of 18 went to Vienna , where he worked as a journeyman in a weaving mill for 10 years . In 1786 he returned to his hometown and married the daughter of the primator , Rosalie Kühmann. In Ceske Budejovice he began to produce the cotton spades together with other weavers. He initially obtained the wool on credit from Vienna. Business was good and he soon grew to be rich and reputable. During the Napoleonic Wars he was appointed an army supplier. In 1792 he bought the Dub rule and some neighboring estates with a value of 400,000 guilders , and in 1801 the Liboch rule in Central Bohemia. Even as a large landowner, he went to the weekly cattle markets. He introduced a number of new trades and industries on his estates. As a sponsor of the school system, in 1819 he donated 5000 guilders each to his property in the Leitmeritzer and Bunzlauer districts, as well as 500 guilders to build a school library. From his brother-in-law Friedrich Ritter von Neupauer he had bought the Tüppelsgrün estate in northern Bohemia and, since 1828, the neighboring Neudek estate . In 1832 he had the first beet sugar factory built in Zeliza . During his lifetime, the goods were shared among his children. He died of a blood stroke at Liboch Castle in 1833 at the age of 75 and was buried in the family crypt. His death was generally mourned because of his "humane disposition".


His grandson Emmerich reported about him: “My blessed grandfather, however, started small, namely as a poor weaver with 500 florins that his wife had brought him; but he never wore a servant's jacket, and precisely because his straight character never stooped and snuggled, Jacob probably made it to the richest landowner and a highly respected name in the country of Bohemia, but never to medals and titles that were found in various of his contemporaries it rained so much. "


Jakob Veith married Rosalie Kühmann († 1831) in 1786. The following children were born from the marriage:

  • Wenzel (* 1787; † 1852), Lord of Liboch; 1.⚭ Amalie Freiin von Deim, 2.⚭ Emmerica Freiin von Deim
  • Anton (* 1793; † 1853), sugar manufacturer in Liboch
  • Clara, owner of Jirny and Žirec, ⚭ Martin Wagner
  • Therese, owner of Cervena, Lhota and Vrutic, ⚭ Friedrich Ritter von Neupaur
  • Anna, owner of Tüppelsgrün and Neudek, ⚭ Heinrich Freiherr von Kleist


Web links

Wikisource: BLKÖ: Veith, Jacob  - sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. sugar . M. & H. Schaper., 1969 ( google.de [accessed April 7, 2020]).
  2. A - D . 1845 ( google.de [accessed April 7, 2020]).
  3. The Wanderer . Strauss, 1819 ( google.de [accessed April 7, 2020]).
  4. Josef Pilz: History of the city of Neudek . Stadtgemeinde, 1923 ( google.de [accessed April 5, 2020]).
  5. ALO docView - 50 Biographical Lexicon of the Austrian Empire (1884). Retrieved April 5, 2020 .