Jakob von Manteuffel

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Jakob von Manteuffel (* 1607 in Kerstin ; † April 25, 1661 ibid) was a Brandenburg colonel in the Thirty Years War .


He received his school education at the Stettin Pedagogy and then studied in Leipzig . In 1630 he went to the Electoral Saxon Cavalry as a lieutenant captain. With this he also took part in the Battle of Lützen . In 1634 his father died and he and his brothers had to take care of the inheritance. Then he went to France. It was there that Bernhard von Sachsen-Weimar met him. This took him into his service because of his understanding and his manners and considered him in his will. He then served as Rittmeister in the Turenne Army and became a major there. Until the end of the war he took part in several campaigns with varying degrees of luck.

After the war he came to the Brandenburg Elector Friedrich Wilhelm , who was at war with Poland. On September 30, 1655 he appointed him colonel and commander of the Pomeranian and Cammin monastery cavalry.

He was supposed to take on more tasks, but preferred to retire to his Kerstin estate, where he died in 1661 and was buried with noble and knightly “pomp” in his hereditary funeral at Kerstin.


He was one of the four sons of Christoph von Manteuffel († 1634) on Kerstin.

He married Hedwig Marie von Budden in 1661 (April 2, 1622 in Mellen, † August 16, 1692 in Kolberg ), daughter of Ernst von Budden, Herr auf Nitzow, Gramsow and Rinow and Emerentia von Wedel ad H. Mellen († 1647). She was the widow of the Swedish commander of Wollin Elias Wolfgang Braun († 1660 in Wollin ). The marriage remained without heirs.
