Jan Abramowicz

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Jan Abramowicz , also Jan Abrahamowicz († April 19, 1602 ) was a voivode of the Minsk and Smolensk Voivodeships . He was one of the leading exponents of Calvinism in Lithuania . His son was the general and governor Mikołaj Abramowicz .


Jan Abramowicz grew up at the court of Mikołaj Radziwiłł Rudy and took part in campaigns against Moscow at his side . He was associated with the Radziwiłł family all his life . He encouraged his client Jan Radwan to write his Latin poem Radivlias (1592) in honor of Mikołaj Radziwiłł Rudy.

In 1580 he was governor of Vilnius as Starost of Lida . In this position, as a Calvinist , he aroused the displeasure of Jerzy Radziwiłł , the Bishop of Vilnius.

Several times he appeared on the Sejmen for the rights of Lithuania against the Polish crown , in particular he advocated in 1585 that Livonia should be returned to Lithuania. Thanks to the support of the Radziwiłł family, he became a Starost in Wenden . From 1590 to 1596 he was president in Dorpat . In 1593 he became voivode of Minsk and in 1596 of Smolensk.

As a leading exponent of Calvinism in Lithuania, he took part in the Synod in Toruń in 1595 , and in 1599 in the consultations with the Dyzunici and the disputes with the Jesuits of the same year. He was the protector of the Calvinist writer Andrzej Wolan . He was also by his wife Anna Dorota from the house Wołłowicz with the orthodoxy connected and enjoyed the confidence of Konstanty Ostrogski . Several times he campaigned for the Orthodox citizens of Vilnius when a Brotherhood Church was to be built. The Vilnius magistrate forbade this in 1596, so Jan Abramowicz came into conflict with the Lithuanian Chancellor Lev Sapieha , who supported the United Metropolitan .

He died on April 19, 1602. In his honor own Calvinists had the “Oracya na żałobną śmierć i pogrzeb wielkeigo patrona Zboru Bożego i mądrego Senatora” printed.


  • Zdanie Litwina o kupczy taniej zboża a drogiej sprzedaży , 1595


  • Kazimierz Tyszkowski: Abramowicz Jan . In: Polski Słownik Biograficzny . tape 1 . Krakow 1935, p. 13 .
  • Валерый Пазднякоў: Абрамовічы . In: Вялікае Княства Літоўскае. Знцыклапедія ў двух тамах . 2nd Edition. tape 1 . Minsk 2007, ISBN 978-985-11-0393-1 , pp. 197-198 .