Jan Bøhler

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Jan Bøhler, 2012

Jan Bøhler (born March 1, 1952 ) is a Norwegian politician of the social democratic Arbeiderpartiet (Ap). In 2001 he was State Secretary and since 2005 he has been a member of the Storting .


Bøhler grew up in Groruddalen , an area in eastern Oslo . In his youth he was a member of the SUF-ml , a Marxist-Leninist youth organization. Later he became a member of the Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF), the youth organization of the Arbeiderpartiet. On January 26, 2001, Bøhler was appointed State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and he became part of the Jens Stoltenberg I government . He remained in office until the government left on October 19, 2001. From 2002 to 2004 he was party secretary of the Arbeiderpartiet in Oslo, after which he served as its chairman until 2016.

Bøhler moved into the Norwegian national parliament in Storting for the first time in the 2005 general election . There he represents the constituency of Oslo and he was initially a member of the Health and Welfare Committee, where he became second deputy chairman. After the 2009 election , he took over the post of Deputy Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Following the Storting elections in 2013, Bøhler moved to the municipal and administrative committee and finally returned to the judiciary committee after the election in September 2017 . In the period from October 2005 to September 2013, Bøhler was also a member of his party's parliamentary committee.

In July 2020, Jan Bøhler announced that he no longer wanted to run for a seat in Storting in the 2021 parliamentary elections . He justified his decision by saying that his nomination should not trigger an internal dispute in the Oslo Workers' Party.

Web links

Commons : Jan Bøhler  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gina Grieg Riisnæs: Ap-politician Jan Bøhler hyller dialects på Oslo øst på debut album. In: Dagsavisen. September 12, 2019, accessed July 16, 2020 (Norwegian).
  2. Knut Snare, Thomas Spence: - Ingen leder for venstresiden. In: Aftenposten. August 1, 2006, accessed July 16, 2020 (Norwegian).
  3. Vegard Tjørhom: January Bøhler tar ikke til Stortinget gjenvalg. In: Aftenposten. July 4, 2020, accessed July 16, 2020 (Norwegian).