Jan Jacob Schultens

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Jan Jacob Schultens

Jan Jacob Schultens also: Johann Jakob Schultens, Joannes Jacobus Schultens (born September 19, 1716 in Franeker , † November 27, 1778 in Leiden ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian and orientalist.


Jan Jacob Schultens was the son of Albert Schultens . He studied Protestant theology at the University of Leiden . Under the guidance of his father, he defended the treatise De utilitate dialectorum orientalium ad tuendam integritatem codicis hebraei here in 1742 and in the same year with the treatise Dissertatio ad locum Apostol. Philip. II, 5-11 earned the degree of Doctor of Theology. In 1744 he became professor of oriental languages ​​at the High School in Herborn . In 1749 he was appointed professor of theology and oriental languages ​​in Leiden.

In addition, on February 1, 1751, he was appointed regent of the Staten College, a theological seminary in Leiden. His son Hendrik Albert and Everard Scheidius were among his students . Jan Jacob Schultens was rector of the Alma Mater in 1760/61 .

His son Hendrik Albert Schultens (1749–1793), who also became a professor in Leiden , comes from his marriage in Herborn to Susanne Amalie Schramm, daughter of the professor in Herborn Johann Heinrich Schramm .


  • Dissertatio academica de uiiliiaie dialectorum orienialium ad tuendam inlegritaiem Codicis Hebraei. Leiden 1742
  • Dissertatio theologica ad locum Phil. II, 5-11. Leiden 1743
  • Oratio inauguralis de fructibus in theologiam redundantibus ex penitiore linguarum orienialium cognitione. Leiden 1749
  • Nieuwjaarsgift aan twee voorstanders of the formulations. Leiden 1754
  • Waarschuwing op de katechismusverklaringe van A. Comrie. Leiden 1755
  • Letter to S. Holtius ter overtuigelijker emphasizes the onschuld en der Rechtszinnigheid van den Heer A. van der Os. Leiden 1755
  • Hoognodig adres aan de theol. Faculteit van Utrecht. Leiden 1755.
  • Reply to J Doitsma. Leiden 1755
  • Answer aan den kerkeraad van Rotterdam. Leiden 1755
  • Briefwisseling read JJS en J Barueth. over de uitgave van den Heidelberg's catechism, met het plan van inteekening daarvan. Dordrecht 1776
  • Observationes in loca veterum, praecipue quae sunt de vindicta divina. vid. Luzac Joa. Exercitationum academicarum specimen (no year, no date).
  • E. Hollebeek, Redevoering over het toenemend kleinachten der goddelijke openbaring. Leiden 1765 (translation)


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