Everard Scheidius

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Everard Scheidius

Everard Scheidius (also: Scheid; * December 24, 1742 in Arnhem , † April 27, 1794 in Leiden ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian, philologist and orientalist.


The son of Jan Philips Scheidius, studied theology at the University of Groningen with Nicolaus Wilhelm Schroeder (1721–1798) and at the University of Leiden with Jan Jacob Schultens (1716–1778). During that time he had developed a particular fondness for oriental languages. After 1765 in Leiden for a doctor of theology doctorate , he had accepted a position as associate professor of oriental languages at the University of Harderwijk , which office he 1766 with the speech de abusu dialect. Oriental. in solida codic. Hebrew interpretatione non admittenda .

In 1767 he became a full professor of the oriental languages, which office he lit with the speech oratio de fontibus. Arabicae in usum disciplinarum began. In 1769 he was rector of the Alma Mater and on the same day took over the professorship for philological-exegetical theology of the Old Testament. In 1780 the professorship was expanded to include the New Testament. After Herman Tollius (1742-1822) left the Harderwijker Hochschule in 1776, he also held the chair of the Greek language, before a successor for this position was found in Cornelis Willem de Rhoer .

After he was re-elected rector of the Harderwijker Hochschule in 1782, he moved to the University of Leiden after Schultens' death in 1793, as his successor and he gave the speech Oratio de eo quod Schultensii post immortalia erga literas orientales merita posteris to his former teacher agendum reliquerint (Leiden 1794). Scheidius, who was ailing long before his Leiden calling, the new burden became too much and he died of overwork.


Scheidius had continued an Arabic language teaching according to Nikolaus Wilhelm Schröder's Programma academicum de antiqua linguae arabicae origine , as well as a grammatical encyclopedia of the Greek language (Etymologicum Linguae Graecae) by Johann Daniel van Lennep (1724–1771) and continued a lexicon of Hebrew and Caldic typography ( Lexicon Hebraico-Chaldaicum manuale) , which was revised after his death in 1805 and 1810. He edited the Samaritan text of the five books of Moses . and had made a great contribution to an extensive collection of manuscripts which he knew how to obtain from the Orient.

Works (selection)

  • Ad quaedam VT loca. Gron. 1764. 40, also in Sylloge Dissertationum sub Praeside A. Schultensii, JJ Schultensii et NG Schroederi defens. Leiden et Leov. 1772, 1775.
  • Ad Canticum Hezekiah. Leiden 1765
  • Oratio de abusu Dialectorum Orientalium in solida Codicis Hebraei interpretatione non committendo. Harderwijk 1766
  • Oratio de fontibus literaturae Arabicae apertis in usum disciplinarum latius multo recludendis. Harderwijk 1767
  • Abu Becri Muhammedis Ibn Hoseini Ibn Doreidi Azdaansi Poëmation. Harderwijk 1768
  • Dissertatio Theologico-Exegetica ad Canticum Hiskiae, Jesaiae XXXVIII. 9-20. Accesserunt Specimen Observationum ad quaedam loca VT et tres orationes Academicae Lugdun. Batav. Leiden 1769
  • Go to Nova Act. erud. 1770. Decembri p. 529-542. Theses philol. Ad Cod. SVT Harderwijk 1765–1768.
  • Schediasmata phillol. ad linguae Hebr. sacraque cod. VT promovenda studia. Harderwijk 1771.
  • Abu Nasri Ismaelis Ebn Hammad Al Giaubari Tarabiensis purioris sermonis Arabici Thesaurus, sive Lexicon Arabicum Particula Ie Codicibus Msc. summa fide editum, et versione latina instructum. Harderwijk 1774-76
  • Observationis Etymologicae Linguae Hebraeae stirpes quibus primaevae strictim explicantur. Harderwijk 1772
  • Selecta ex Sententiis Proverbiisque Arab. from Erpenio olim editis. Leiden 1779
  • Primae lineae institutionis Arabicae. Leiden 1779
  • Specimen Hermeneuticum exhibens Libri Geneseos Cap. IV. 1-12 ad fidem Codicum Msctorum versionumque antiquarum emendavit. Harderwijk 1783
  • Jo Christophori Struchtmeyeri Rudimenta linguae Graecae maximam partem excerpta ex Joannis Verweyi nova via docendi graeca, ad Systema Analogiae a Tiberio Hemsterhusio primum inventae, from eruditissimis vero summi huius viri discipulis latius deinceps explicatae Ever emendavit et pass. Scheidius. Accessit etiam Everardi Lubini Clavis Linguae Graecae. Zutphen 1784
  • Ebn Doreidi Katsyda, sive Idyllium Arabicum, Arabice et Latine, cum Scholiis. Harderwijk 1786
  • Specimina Hermeneut. exhibentia Genes. IV: 12; idem Isa. I. et II. Harderwijk 1780-1783
  • Opusculorum de ratione studii Pars prima et altera, cura Everardi Scheidii. Traiecti et Harderwijk 1786, 1790
  • Pars posterior. Leiden 1792
  • LC Valckenaerii Observationes Academicae, quibus via munitur ad Origines graecas investigandas, Lexicorumque defectus resarciendos: et Jo. Daniel a Lennep Praelectiones Academicae de Analogia Linguae Graecae, sive rationum Analogicarum Linguae Graecae Expositio, ad exempla Mss. Recensuit, suasque animadversionibus adjecit Everard. Scheidius. Traj. ad Rhen. 1790
  • Yo. Daniel. a Lennep Etymologicum Linguae Graecae, sive Observationes ad singulas verborum nominumque stirpes secundum ordinem Lexici compilati olim a Joanne Scapula. Editionem curavit, atque Animadversiones cum aliorum, tum suas adjecit Everard. Scheidius, cuius praemissa sunt quoque Prolegomena de Lingua Latina, ope Linguae Graecae illustranda, adiectusque est index Etymologicus praecipuaram vocum latinarum Pars prior et posterior. Traj. ad Rhen. (Arnhem?) 1790
  • De ratione studii commentationes Joachimi Fortii Ringelbergii, Desid. Erasmi, MA Mureti, GJ Vossii, C. Barlaei etc. cum Dav. Ruhnkenii Elogio Tib. Hemsterhusii Pars I. II. III. Harderwijk and Leiden 1786–1792
  • Franc. Sanctii Brocensis Minerva, seu de causis Linguae Latinae Commentarius post G. Scioppium et Jac. Perizonium perpetuis uberrimisque Animadversionibus from Ever. Scheidio illustratus. Traj. ad Rhen. 1795
  • Oratio de eo, quod Schultensii post immortalia erga literas orientales merita, posteris agenda reliquerint. Leiden 1794
  • Het boek Genesis met de gewone Ned. vertaling - met bijgevoegde aanteekeningen opgehelderd. no. 1 en 2. Haarlem 1787, 1780.
  • W. Green, Dichtstukken van het OT met aanteekeningen van E. Scheidius Iste D. Utrecht 1787.
  • Zijn Hebreeuwsch woordenboek tot het laatste Gedeelte the letter נ door hem is realized by JJ Groenewoud uitgegeven, or the title: Lexicon Hebr. et Chald. manual in Cod. sVT 2 Tom. Traj. ad Rhen. 1805, 1810


  • Knipscheer: SCHEIDIUS (Everard) In: Nieuw Nederlands Biografisch Woordenboek. (NNBW) Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (ING), AW Sijthoff, Leiden, 1937, volume 10, p. 881 (Dutch)
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical woordenboek der Nederlanden, bevattende levensbeschrijvingen van zoodanige people, who zich op eenigerlei wijze in ons vaderland vermaard made. Verlag JJ Van Brederode, Haarlem, 1874, Volume 17, 1st section, p. 242 ( online , Dutch)
  • Friedrich Julius Otto: The complete literature of the Netherlands, or life and work of the Dutch writers since the thirteenth century up to our time. Publishing house of the bibliographical institute, Hildburghausen-Amsterdam-Philadelphia, 1838, Sp. 386, ( online )

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