Jan Michael Horstmann

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Jan Michael Horstmann (* 1968 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German conductor , harpsichordist , pianist , presenter, director and chansonnier .

Live and act

Jan Michael Horstmann completed his conducting studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg with Klauspeter Seibel and was hired as Kapellmeister at the Wuppertal theaters before completing his studies . From 1996 to 2004 he was deputy general music director at the Magdeburg Theater . From March 2004 to July 2013 Horstmann was General Music Director of the Central Saxon Theater and Artistic Director of the Central Saxon Philharmonic, from August 2012 to July 2017 Opera Director of the State Theaters of Saxony , from summer 2013 connected with the overall musical direction. Since September 2019 he has been chief conductor of the Central German Chamber Philharmonic in Schönebeck on the Elbe.

Horstmann has been working as a conductor for the Pina Bausch dance theater since 1992 . He has appeared as a guest conductor with the orchestra of the Beethovenhalle ( Bonn ), the Philharmonic State Orchestra Kassel , the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra and the Dresden Philharmonic . Guest appearances have taken him to the Teatro Real Madrid , the Edinburgh International Festival (Scottish Chamber Orchestra), the Holland Festival (Radio Chamber Orchestra Hilversum), the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra , the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro and the Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro in Brasília .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jan Michael Horstmann: About me. Retrieved October 19, 2017 .