Jan Nicolaas Bakhuizen van den Brink

Jan Nicolaas Bakhuizen van den Brink (born May 25, 1896 in Joure , † November 5, 1987 in Leiden ) was a Dutch theologian and church historian.
Jan Nicolaas was the son of pastor Ludolf Willem Bakhuizen van den Brink (* March 22, 1862 in The Hague; † March 16, 1936 there) and his wife Egberta Margaretha Johanna Hillegonda Groes (* March 10, 1870 in Bellingwolde; † 19. September 1939 in The Hague). He attended the Christian high school in Utrecht and in 1914 began studying theology at the University of Leiden . He continued his studies in 1920 at the École pratique des hautes études in Paris and in the same year became a Dutch Reformed pastor in Nieuw-Dordrecht . In 1923 he received his doctorate in Leiden under Fredrik Pijper on the subject of De oud-christelijke monumenten van Ephesus. Epigraphic study. (German: The early Christian monuments of Ephesus. Epigraphic study. ) Doctor of theology, became pastor in Winterswijk in 1924 and pastor in the Rotterdam district of Kralingen in 1929 .
On March 9, 1934, he was appointed to the professorship of church history, the history of dogma and the history of the Reformed Evangelical Church at the University of Leiden, which he did on June 1, 1934 with the introductory speech Incarnatie en verlossing bij Irenaeus (German: Human Becoming and Redemption by Irenaeus ). In this role, he focused on rethinking the nature and function of the Reformed Church, with the emphasis of his work on patristicism . For this purpose, he wrote numerous treatises as an editor in the Dutch theological journals Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis (German: Dutch Archive for Church History ), Kerk en Eredienst (German: Church and Worship ) and Nederlands Theologischer Tijdschrift (German: Dutch theological journal ). He also made contributions to the Lexicon of the Old World . The Second World War did not leave his mark on Bakhuizen van den Brink's personality development. On March 31, 1943, he resigned his professorship due to the closure of the Leiden University, found a job as archivist at the Dutch Reformed Church in 1944 and was reinstated in his professorship on September 4, 1945 after the Second World War.
In 1946, Bakhuizen van den Brink founded the Kerkhistorisch Gezelschap (German: Kirchenhistorische Gesellschaft ), in 1950 he became a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and in the academy year 1954/55 he was elected rector of the Leiden Alma Mater , in which position he was on February 8th In 1955, Michel Angelo en het gewelf van de Sixtijnse kapel (German: Michelangelo and the vault of the Sistine Chapel ) gave the rector's speech . In 1955 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of St Andrews , in 1961 an honorary doctorate from the Westphalian Wilhelmsuniversität in Münster and chairman of the Commission Internationale d'Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée (German: International Commission for Comparative Church History ). In 1957 he was appointed Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion , after he had given his farewell lecture on May 31, 1966 on the subject of Humilitas bij Pascal en Augustinus (German: Humility with Pascal and Augustine ), he was retired on September 1 of the same year retired from his professorship and received the Commander's Cross of the Order of Oranje Nassau in 1970 .
Bakhuizen van den Brink married Louise Cnoop Koopmans (born June 10, 1895 in Haarlem; † July 3, 1982 in Leiden), the daughter of Wopko Cnoop Koopmans (born February 18, 1865 in Amsterdam) and his wife Petronella Alida ( Ada) Wolterbeek (born December 14, 1867 in Bloemendaal). There are children from the marriage. We know of these:
- Ada Bakhuizen van den Brink (born June 28, 1922 in Nieuw Dordrecht; † January 14, 2003 in Joppe) married on August 9, 1945 in Leiden with Adrianus Cornelis Copper (born January 23, 1917 in Rotterdam; † August 12, 2000 in Lochem)
- Egbertha Carolina Bakhuizen van den Brink (born April 2, 1924 in Winterswijk) married on November 14, 1946 in Leiden with Ludovicus Joannes Pieters (born May 9, 1921 in Rotterdam; † October 30, 2008 in Rhoon)
- Ludolf Willem Bakhuizen van den Brink (born March 7, 1929 in Winterswijk; † September 25, 2009 in Veldhoven) married on October 25, 1955 to Andrée Helène Hermine Posno (born September 9, 1931 in Probolinggo / Netherlands Indies; † 29. January 2009 in Veldhoven)
Works (selection)
- De oud-christelijke monumenten van Ephesus. Epigraphic study. 1923
- Het ambt Breedevoort tijdens het Anholter Pandschap 1962–1612. 1923 (with Bernard Stegeman)
- Ontstaan en wezen van het Christendom. Amsterdam 1927
- De Romeinsche Catacomben en hare fresco's. The Hague 1933
- Het ambt Breedevoort tijdens het Anholter pandschap 1562–1612. Arnhem 1933
- Incarnatie en verlossing bij Irenaeus. The Hague 1934
- De Nederlandsche Belijdenis writings. Verglijkende teksten. Amsterdam 1940, Amsterdam 1976 (with Johannes Lindeboom)
- Leidraad bij de study of prison divorce. Amsterdam 1942
- Handbook of the dungeon divorce. 1st ed. The Hague, 1942–1945, 2 vols .; 2nd ed. The Hague, 1946, 3rd ed. The Hague. 1946, 4th edition The Hague 1965, 5th edition 1976 Leeuwarden, 6th edition Leeuwarden 1980 (with Johannes Lindeboom)
- Divorce. A bundle of studies on the interest of divorce. Assen 1944
- Scriptores Christiani primaevi. 1945–1946, 2nd vol.
- Protestant kerkbouw. Arnhem 1946
- Het Avondmaal. Problems rondom de Avondmaalstheologie en de Intercommunie. Assen 1949
- Michel Angelo en het gewelf der Sixtijnse Kapel. Het problem of interpretation. The Hague 1955
- Documenta reformatoria. Teksten uit de geschiedenis van kerk en theologie in de Nederlanden sedert de Hervorming. Came 1960–1962, 2 vols.
- Juan de Valdés. Reformer in Spanje en Italië, 1529–1541. Amsterdam 1962
- Protestantse pleidooien uit de zestiende eeuw. Kampen 1962, 2 vol.
- Traditio in de Reformatie en het Katholicisme in de zestiende eeuw. Amsterdam 1962
- Humilitas bij Pascal en Augustine. The Hague 1966
- Ius ecclesiasticum. Historical cheering over Kerk en right. Amsterdam 1968
- What do you think about it? Wageningen 1972
- Constantijn de Grote. Amsterdam 1975
- GHM Posthumus Meyjes: Jan Nicolaas Bakhuizen van den Brink (Joure 25 mei 1896 - Leiden 5 November 1987). In: Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden, 1993-1994. Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde, Leiden, 1995, pp. 103-113
- GHM Posthumus Meyjes: Levens report JN Bakhuizen van den Brink. In: Jaarboek of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1989. Amsterdam, pp. 120–125 ( online PDF )
- GHM Posthumus Meyjes: Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jan Nicolaas. In: Biografisch Lexicon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands protestantisme. UITGEVERIJ KOK, Kampen, 2001, Vol. 5, pp. 30–33 ( online )
Web links
- Bakhuizen van den Brink in the professorial catalog of the University of Leiden
- Bakhuizen van den Brink entry at the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW)
- Bakhuizen van den Brink at the Digital Library of Dutch Literature (DBNL)
personal data | |
SURNAME | Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jan Nicolaas |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Dutch theologian and church historian |
DATE OF BIRTH | May 25, 1896 |
DATE OF DEATH | 5th November 1987 |
Place of death | Suffer |