Jan de Louter

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Jan de Louter

Jan de Louter (born August 3, 1847 in Amersfoort , † March 8, 1932 in Hilversum ) was a Dutch constitutional and international lawyer.


Jan was the son of the notary Johannes de Louter (born November 18, 1810 in Amersfoort; † January 29, 1891 ibid) and his second wife Aletta van Leuvenigh Willink, who had been married to him since June 12, 1846 (born April 29, 1818 in Amsterdam; † January 28, 1888 in Amersfoort). After attending schools in Amersfoort, he began to study law at Utrecht University in 1865 . Here Cornelis Willem Opzoomer , Barthold Jacob Lintelo de Geer van Jutphaas , Jacobus Anthonie Fruin and Otto van Rees (lawyer) (1825–1868) were his formative teachers. On June 21, 1869 he received his doctorate in law with the thesis De beperkingen der Rechtssbevoegdheid ten gevideo van vermindering der burgerlijke eer . In 1870 he became a notary at the request of his father and worked as a lawyer in his place of birth. Since he intended to get involved in the Dutch East Indies, he studied Indology from 1871 to 1872 at the University of Leiden . In 1872 he became a teacher of Indonesian language, geography and ethnology at the Willem III grammar school. in Jakarta .

On September 12, 1877 he was appointed professor of Islamic law, history and constitutional law of the Dutch East Indies at the University of Amsterdam . He took over this office on November 17, 1877 with the inaugural lecture Over het mohammedaanschrecht in Nederlandsch-Indië. On July 27, 1879, he was appointed professor of Dutch constitutional and administrative law, international law and legal philosophy at the University of Utrecht . He took over the office on October 18, 1879 with the inaugural lecture Het verband der staats-wetenschappen . At the Utrecht University he also participated in the university administration and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1898/99 . In addition, from 1897 to 1901 he had the task of instructing Queen Wilhelmina in constitutional law.

Louter was a foreign member of the Institut de Droit international , in 1916 he became a corresponding member of the American Institute of International Law in Washington DC and in 1883 a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences . He was a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion . He also worked as a member of the Utrecht City Council, was a member of the provincial states of Utrecht, a member of the Liberal Party and was a co-founder of the Free Liberal Party. From 1905 to 1920 he lectured on Indonesian constitutional law at the Higher War School in The Hague . After resigning from his full professorship on October 1, 1912, he became an associate professor of international law on April 23, 1913 with the inaugural lecture on Volkenrecht en statensouvereiniteit until he retired in 1919. He spent the last years of his life in Hilversum, where his oldest daughter lived. After his death he was buried in Utrecht at his own request.


Louter married on June 13, 1872 in Rotterdam Wilhelmina Louisa Lagers (born June 3, 1847 in Amsterdam; † November 27, 1939 in Hilversum), the daughter of pastor Georg Hendrik Gideon Lagers (born June 4, 1806 in Utrecht; † 27. December 1854 in Amsterdam) and his wife Catharina Agnesa Oldenburg, who had been married to him since June 23, 1836 in Amsterdam (born June 13, 1812 in Amsterdam; † June 7, 1905 in Utrecht). Children from this marriage were:

  • Aletta de Louter (born March 31, 1873 in Jakarta, † October 30, 1950 in Ermelo)
  • Catharina Petronella de Louter (born March 29, 1879 in Amsterdam, † December 9, 1879 in Utrecht)
  • Johannes des Louter (born September 17, 1880 in Utrecht, † December 4, 1954 in Arnhem) married. August 14, 1918 in Nijmegen with Johanna Huiberta Gerretsen (born May 19, 1890 in Hees; † May 31, 1982 in Arnhem)
  • Georg Hendrik Gideon de Louter (born January 13, 1882 in Utrecht; † November 2, 1882 there)

Works (selection)

  • De beperkingen der Rechtsvoegdheid ten gevole van vermindering der burgerlijke eer. 1869
  • Handboek van het staats- en administratief right van Nederlandsch-Indië. 1875, 1914,
  • L'annexion du Transvaal. 1881
  • Handleiding tot de kennis van het staats -en administratief right van Nederlandsch-Indië. 1884, 1895
  • Het ontwerp der grondwetscommissie en het kiesrecht. 1885
  • La Guerre Sud-Africaine. 1902
  • Levensbericht van Pieter Anthonie van der Lith. 1902
  • Liberal concentratie. 1905
  • Het digits of popular law. 1910
  • De arbitrage in het Noord-Atlantisch visscherij-geschil. 1911
  • L'avenir du droit international public. 1912
  • Afscheidswoord tot leerlingen en oudleerlingen bij het sluiten zijner colleges. 1912
  • Nederlands international stelling. 1912
  • Nederland en America. 1918
  • De Volkenbond. Een mijlpaal op de weg der rechtsontwikkeling. 1920
  • Le droit international positif. 1920
  • Woodrow Wilson, eene karakterschets. 1924


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