Janina Paradowska

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Janina Paradowska (2013)

Janina Paradowska (born May 2, 1942 in Kraków ; † June 29, 2016 there ) was a Polish journalist for the weekly Polityka as well as the radio station Tok FM and the television station Superstacja .


Paradowska studied Polish studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, after which she worked as a journalist for the daily newspaper Kurier Polski .

She represented her independent point of view in a variety of interviews, debates, comments and glosses . She was widow of the former Sejm member Jerzy Zimowski (1941-2007).

After martial law was introduced in Poland in December 1981, she left the Polish United Workers' Party in protest .

In the 1980s she worked for the daily newspaper Życie Warszawy . Since 1991 she has been writing political commentaries in the weekly Polityka . She also taught at the Warsaw Collegium Civitas .

She moderated political discussions on the news broadcaster Radio TokFM and on the news television Superstacja in the Sunday program Puszka Paradowskiej ( 'Paradowska's Pandora box ') and the evening program Rozmowa dnia ('Conversation of the day').

Web links

Commons : Janina Paradowska  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files