Janusz Pogonowski

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Janusz Pogonowski (* 1922 in Krakow ; † 19 July 1943 in Auschwitz ) was a Polish resistance fighter against the German occupation of Poland who was murdered as a prisoner in Auschwitz.


Janusz Pogonowski's father was the well-known Krakow gynecologist Dr. Boleslaw Pogonowski (1892–1965), who was employed as a doctor in a hospital of the Polish Red Cross in France during the Second World War .

In 1940 Janusz was arrested during a street raid and taken to Auschwitz on the first transport of Polish prisoners, where he was registered under the code name Janusz Skrzetuski. His prisoner number was 253. He was used in the surveyor's detachment. Since Pogonowski was often deployed outside the camp as a result of his work in the surveyor's detachment, he succeeded in 1942 and 1943 in sending eight illegal letters to his relatives in Krakow by reporters of the resistance movement.

Pogonowski belonged to the underground militia Armia Krajowa and established the connection between the prisoners and the army.

After three prisoners escaped from this detention center on July 19, 1943, he and eleven other prisoners were hanged in front of the camp kitchen of the main camp during a roll call in the presence of the camp inmates .


  • Pogonowski, Janusz / Piper, Franciszek (ed.): Illegal letters from Auschwitz by Janusz Pogonowski , trans. from Polish into German: Uta Swierkosz, 1999, ISBN 83-906992-4-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. https://books.google.de/books?id=Vwh2DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA139&lpg=PA139&dq=Janusz+Pogonowski&source=bl&ots=5xSMlGYEbD&sig=ACfU3U2tfkHNvCvssICv95YU_GOCdqbaDA&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGqYPbwNfpAhV-AGMBHTKIB0w4ChDoATAAegQIChAB#v=onepage&q=Janusz%20Pogonowski&f=false .