Japanese privet

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Japanese privet
Branch with leaves and unripe fruits

Branch with leaves and unripe fruits

Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Olive family (Oleaceae)
Genre : Privet ( ligustrum )
Type : Japanese privet
Scientific name
Ligustrum japonicum

The Japanese privet ( Ligustrum japonicum ) is a small shrub belonging to the olive family . Its distribution area is in Japan, Korea and Taiwan.



The Japanese privet is an evergreen, bushy, 1 to 3, rarely up to 6 meter high shrub with a dense growth and finely dark haired young shoots that later become bald. The branches are covered with cork pores . The leaves are simple. The leaf blade is leathery, 4 to 8 inches long, broadly ovate to oblong ovoid, short acuminate, pointed or blunt with mostly rounded base. The upper side of the leaf is dark green, the underside pale green. The edge and median nerve are often reddened. Four to five pairs of nerves are formed per leaf.

The flowers are 200 to 600 in 6 to 15 centimeters long, conical panicles . The stamens do not reach over the corolla. The fruits are black berries . The species blooms from July to September.

Distribution and ecology

The natural range is in the temperate zone of Asia on the Japanese islands of Honshū , Kyushu , Shikoku and the Ryūkyū Islands , in South Korea and Taiwan. There it grows in species-poor forests on dry to fresh, acidic to slightly alkaline, sandy-humic soils in partially shaded locations. The species is usually frost hardy.

Systematics and research history

The Japanese privet ( Ligustrum japonicum ) is a kind of the genus of privet ( Ligustrum ) in the family of Oleaceae (Oleaceae), tribe Oleeae. It was first described by Carl Peter Thunberg in 1780 . A synonym of the species is Ligustrum coriaceum Carrière .


Cultivar 'Rotundifolium'

The Japanese privet is used as an ornamental wood because of its decorative flowers. There are several varieties, including the cultivar 'Rotundifolium' with thick, rounded leaves.



  • Andreas Roloff , Andreas Bärtels: Flora of the woods. Purpose, properties and use. With a winter key from Bernd Schulz. 3rd, corrected edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5614-6 , p. 371.
  • Gordon Cheers (Ed.): Botanica Trees & Shrubs . Tandem Verlag GmbH, 2006, ISBN 3-8331-2003-7 , p. 517 .

Individual evidence

  1. German name after Roloff et al .: Flora of the woods and cheers: Botanica trees & bushes
  2. a b c d Roloff et al .: Flora der Gehölze , p. 371
  3. a b Cheers: Botanica Trees & Shrubs , p. 517
  4. a b Ligustrum japonicum. In: Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). United States Department of Agriculture, accessed February 10, 2012 .

Web links

Commons : Japanese privet ( Ligustrum japonicum )  - collection of images, videos, and audio files