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View of the Jaufental

The Jaufental ( Italian Val di Giovo ) is an approximately eight kilometer long side valley of the Ridnaun Valley in South Tyrol . It branches off in the entrance area of ​​the Ridnaun Valley near the city of Sterzing in a southerly direction and later leads south-west to the Jaufenpass . The by Jaufenbach dehydrated Valley accommodate a few rural settlements and hamlets along the fraction Jaufental the community Racines form.

The valley entrance area is quite narrow and similar to a gorge, in the rear sections the Jaufental, which has only been accessible by an access road since 1959, widens significantly. The mountain ridge that accompanies the valley west-northwest is counted among the Stubai Alps . To the south, several smaller side valleys lead into the Sarntal Alps , culminating here in the Zinseler , Sarner Weißhorn , the Mittagsspitze and the Jaufenspitze , among others .

The valley was named as "Jauuental" as early as 1314 in a tax list of the district court of Sterzing . Talc mining at the valley entrance was of economic importance in the first half of the 20th century . The raw material obtained was further processed in nearby Sterzing.


  • Helmut Dumler: South Tyrol 2nd area guide for hikers and mountaineers through the mountain world of the Southern Stubai Alps, the Texel Group and the Sarntal Alps . Bergverlag Rother, Munich 1989, ISBN 3-7633-3305-3 , pp. 82-83

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sources on the tax, population and clan history of the state of Tyrol in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. Festschrift for the 80th year of Oswald Redlich's life (Schlern-Schriften 44). Innsbruck: Wagner 1939, p. 125.

Web links

Commons : Jaufental  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 51 '  N , 11 ° 23'  E