Jean-Barthélemy Hauréau

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Jean-Barthélemy Hauréau (born November 9, 1812 in Paris , † April 29, 1896 in Paris) was a French historian and publicist .

After he had barely left the Lycée Louis-le-Grand , Hauréau published the political paper on the mountain party (Montagnards) , La montagne (1832), which aroused violent opposition and was later condemned by himself. After a wide range of journalistic activities, he became curator of French manuscripts at the National Library and a member of the Constituent Assembly as a result of the February Revolution .

In 1845 Hauréau won the prize of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques for a presentation of the history of scholastic philosophy ( De la histoire de la philosophie scolastique. 2 vols. Paris 1850) This book, however, caused various misunderstandings. In his republican exuberance, Hauréau mistook Thierry of Chartres , whom he sympathized with, for a free-thinking pantheist and confused Bernardus Silvestris with Bernhard of Chartres .

After the coup of Napoléon III. on December 2, 1851, he gave up his position as curator at the National Library. In 1861 he was appointed librarian at the Paris Bar Association, and in September 1870 director of the National Printing House, where he worked until 1882. Hauréau was a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres since 1862 and commander of the Legion of Honor since 1878 .

Works (selection)

  • La Montagne, notices historiques et philosophiques sur les principaux membres de la Montagne ; avec leurs portraits gravés à l'eau-forte par Jeanron. Paris: J. Bréauté, 1834.
  • La Liberté et l'égalité des cultes . Paris: L. Curmer, 1848.
  • Histoire littéraire du Maine . ([Nouv. Éd.] Réimpr. De l'éd. De Paris 1870-77). Genève: Slatkine, 1969. Le Mans: Société historique et archéologique du Maine, 2005 (CD-ROM).
  • François Ier et sa cour, portraits, jugements et anecdotes . Paris, 1853.
  • Charlemagne et sa cour (742-814) . Paris, 5th edition, 1880.
  • Les Œuvres de Hugues de Saint-Victor , essai critique . Frankfurt a. M .: Minerva-Verl., 1963, unchanged. Reprint d. nouvelle éd., Paris, 1886.
  • Singularités historiques et littéraires . Paris, 1861.
  • Bernard and Thierry de Chartres . Paris: Impr. Nationale, 1872.
  • Histoire de la philosophie scolastique . Unchangeable Reprint [d. Ed.] Paris 1872–1880. Frankfurt / Main: Minerva, 1966.
  • Bernard Délicieux et l'Inquisition albigeoise . Reprint of the 1877 ed. Published by Librairie Hachette, Paris. New York: AMS Press, 1980. ISBN 0-404-16223-1 .
  • Mémoire sur la vie et quelques oeuvres d'Alain de Lille . Paris, 1886.
  • Des poèmes latins attribués a Saint Bernard . Paris: Klincksieck, 1890.

He also edited Volumes 15 and 16 of Gallia Christiana (1856-65), for which the Academy repeatedly awarded him the Prix ​​Gobert .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alain de Libera: The Universal Dispute - From Plato to the end of the Middle Ages. Edited by Alain de Libera, transl. v. Konrad Honsel (title of the original French edition: La querell des universaux / 1996). Munich, 2005. p. 15.
  2. a b c Gustave Schlumberger: Éloge funèbre de M. Barthélemy Hauréau, membre de l'Académie. In Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, année 1896, 40e année, N. 3, pp. 162-170 ( digitized version ).