Jean Humbert (philologist)

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Jean Humbert (born November 25, 1901 in Paris ; † June 18, 1980 ibid) was a French Greek and Neo-Greekist.


Jean Humbert was the only son of Albert Humbert, a department head of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations , and of Jenny Tenaille de Vaulabelle. He had been married to Suzanne Vendryes, daughter of Joseph Vendryes , since 1934 and had six children with her.

After attending the Lycée Louis-le-Grand and the École normal supérieure (since 1920), he graduated from the Agrégation de lettres in 1925 and received his doctorate in 1930 as docteur ès lettres.

After teaching at the Lycée d ' Amiens (1929–1930), he was maître de conférences at the Faculté de Lyon (1931–1934), then professor of Greek philology at the University of Lille (1934–1953). With one interruption he was inspector at the University of Paris from 1942 to 1944 . Eventually he was accepted at the Sorbonne , where he taught from 1953 to 1972.

He was a member of the board of directors and deputy general secretary of the Association Guillaume Budé .

Research priorities

Humbert is particularly known for his dissertation on the disappearance of the dative in Greek, with which he goes beyond antiquity. He published editions of the Homeric Hymns , a speech by Demosthenes and the little Socratics, and didactic material (his syntax of Greek was particularly successful ).



  • La Disparition du datif en grec (thèse de doctorat); Polycrate, l'accusation de Socrate et le Gorgias (thèse complémentaire), both 1930.


  • (Ed.): Hymnes homériques , 1936.
  • (Ed.): Démosthène (Plaidoyers politiques II: Contre Midias), 1959.
  • (Ed.): Socrate et les Petits Socratiques , 1967.

Didactic material

  • Syntaxe grecque , 1945. - (Three editions and numerous reprints)
  • Manuel pratique de grec ancien , 1961.
  • Histoire de la langue grecque («Que sais-je?», No. 1483), 1972.


  • Fernand Robert: Jean Humbert , in: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 3, 1980, 241-242, online .
  • Annuaire de l'Association amicale des anciens élèves de l'École normal supérieure , 1981, 59.
  • Jean-François Condette: Une faculté dans l'histoire: la Faculté des lettres de Lille de 1887 à 1945 , 1998, 285.