Jean Klein

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Jean Klein

Jean Klein (born October 19, 1912 in Berlin , † February 22, 1998 in Santa Barbara , California ) was a French spiritual teacher of the Advaita direction and writer . Growing up in Brno , Prague and Vienna , Klein studied medicine and musicology in Vienna and Berlin. In 1933 he settled in France, became a French citizen and worked in the Resistance during the war . After spending several years in India, from 1960 onwards he spread his spiritual teachings in Europe and North America , influenced by Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj as well as Kashmiri Shaivism , in a style reminiscent of Krishnamurti .

Fonts (in German translation)

  • Joy in being. Conversations about consciousness. Kristkeitz, Leimen 1988, ISBN 3-921508-32-0 .
  • Who am I? what is the human? Conversations about the true being with a European sage of our day. Barth, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-502-67370-5 .
  • Your true self. Conversations with Jean Klein. Lüchow, Freiburg 1993, ISBN 3-925898-20-4 .
  • Nothing but the present. Noumenon, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-941973-12-1 .

Web links