Jean Nageotte

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Jean Nageotte (born February 8, 1866 in Dijon , † October 29, 1948 in Paris ) was a French anatomist , histologist and neuroanatomist .

Jean Nageotte studied medicine in Besançon and Paris . In Paris he obtained his doctorate in 1893 . The dissertation dealt with a possible neurological manifestation of the late stage of syphilis , the tabes dorsalis . First he worked as a doctor at the Salpêtrière . In the years that followed, Jean Nageotte, who was appointed Professor of Comparative Histology at the Collège de France in 1912 , focused primarily on the microscopic anatomy of the nervous system . In addition, he described the structure and origin of connective tissue and was instrumental in researching the cellular components of the nerve water (cerebrospinal fluid).

In 1902, together with Joseph Babinski, who was active as a neurologist , he described the Babinski-Nageotte syndrome named after them , a clinical picture belonging to the alternating brainstem syndromes.


Individual evidence

  1. Who Named It? Jean Nageotte
  2. ^ A b Anton Sebastian: A Dictionary of the History of Medicine . Parthenon Publishing Group, 1999, ISBN 1-85070-021-4 .
  3. J. Nageotte: Hémiasynergie, lateropulsion et Myosis bulbaires avec hémianesthésie et hemiplegia croisées. In: Rev. neurol. Volume 10, (Paris) 1902, pp. 358-365.
  4. ^ Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Urban & Schwarzenberg (ed.): Roche Lexicon Medicine. 4th edition. Urban & Schwarzenberg 1998, ISBN 3-541-17114-6 , p. 149.