Jean Rouppert

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Jean Rouppert, 1933

Jean Rouppert (born August 15, 1887 in Custines near Nancy , † 1979 ) was a French draftsman and sculptor.


Jean François Rouppert was born on August 15, 1887 in Custines near Nancy . As the son of Johann Rouppert, rolling mill worker, and Marie Kieffer, he came from a humble background. At the age of 14 he left school and began an apprenticeship in clogs. Living in poverty, he enlisted in the colonial army for four years in 1906. Then he returned to Nancy. Thanks to his drawing skills, he first found a job as a decorator in 1913, then as a draftsman in the workshops of Émile Gallé , known for the production of vases and furniture in the Art Nouveau style . This period, in which he distinguished himself as a draftsman, lasted until 1924. He left Gallé and Nancy and moved to Lyon , where he gained independent status. In 1931 he moved to St-Alban-les-Eaux near Roanne . In old age he was again delighted by the drawings of caricatures and romantic landscapes . He died in 1979, a year after his wife.

Artistic development

Jean Rouppert showed influences from Albrecht Dürer and Jacques Callot , the Pre-Raphaelites and Japonism . The aesthetic forms of Hans Thoma or Maurice Denis left traces in his watercolors and gouaches , Paul Jouve or Ernst Barlach in the sculptures .

His subjects were varied: caricatures and expressive heads, satirical criticism of war , romantic, naturalistic and decorative landscapes, historical and mythological personalities , illustrations for fairy tales, figures of the common people, Art Deco motifs for fantasy papers, pictures of animals (art animalier), floral and Insect world, fashion, dancers and nudes .

Jean Rouppert exhibited drawings, watercolors and sculptures in 1930, 1940 and 1950 in the Salon de la Société des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and in the Salon des Amis des Arts in Roanne. Since 2006, his descendants have been taking part in exhibitions, such as in the Musée François Pompon in Saulieu , and publications in order to show off his work afterwards.


  • Ronald Müller: Jean Rouppert, un dessinateur dans la tourmente de la Grande Guerre. L'Harmattan, 2007, ISBN 978-2-29602-424-3 .
  • Ronald Müller: Les animaux de Jean Rouppert - Entre Japonisme et Arts Décoratifs. Musée A.-G.Poulain, Vernon 2012, ISBN 978-2-35404-034-5 .
  • Ronald Müller: Jean Rouppert - Plages biographiques. Édition Stéphane Archambault, Série RENCART, Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie 2017, ISBN 979-10-90467-08-8 .
  • Samuel Provost: Les Établissements Gallé dans les années vingt. Déclin et essaimage. Revue de l'art 199, 2018, pp. 47–54, ISBN 978-2-7080-1524-1 .

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