Jeanette Kohl

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Jeanette Kohl, 2020

Jeanette Kohl (born October 18, 1963 in Trier ) is a German-American art historian . She has been a professor at the Art History Department of the University of California, Riverside (USA) since 2008 ; From 2015 to 2018 she held the position of Department Chair and in 2019/20 the management of the university's own research institute, Center for Ideas and Society. Kohl is also co-director of the Medical and Health Humanities study program.


Kohl received his doctorate with distinction from the University of Trier in 2001. From 2001 to 2004 she did research as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Art History in Florence. From 2004 to 2008 she was a research assistant at the Institute for Art History at the University of Leipzig and in 2007 visiting professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (2007).


Kohl's research interests are in the Italian Renaissance in art and architecture , with a scientific focus on the one hand on the aesthetics and agency of sculpture and on the other hand on portraits and early modern portrait concepts. From an interdisciplinary and transhistorical perspective, Kohl primarily examines object cultures, for example medieval and early modern reliquaries , and principles of representation and interpretation of the human face. Further aspects of Kohl's research and teaching are the afterlife of the Renaissance in contemporary art and forms of representation in the history of medicine.

Awards (selection)

Kohl was a scholarship holder of the Max Planck Institute for Art History in Florence (2001–2004); Fellow at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles (2014) and at the Morphomata Center for Advanced Studies (Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg) at the University of Cologne (2015). In 2018/19 she was 'Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro Member' of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Publications (selection)



  • Renaissance Love. Eros, Passion, and Friendship in Italian Art Around 1500 , ed. by Jeanette Kohl, Marianne Koos and Adrian Randolph, Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 2014
  • Similitudo. Concepts of Likeness in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , ed. by Jeanette Kohl, Martin Gaier and Alberto Saviello, Fink Verlag, Munich 2012
  • En face. Seven Essays on the Human Face , ed. by Jeanette Kohl and Dominic Olariu (= critical reports, 1/2012), Marburg 2012
  • Head / image. The bust in the Middle Ages and early modern times , ed. by Jeanette Kohl and Rebecca Müller, Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2007


  • Hydrocephalus, Rickets, and the Bust of an Infant from Renaissance Italy , in: Child's Nervous System, 381, 2019, pp. 1-4
  • The Intelligence of Sculpture. Verrocchio and Leonardo , in: Leonardo in Dialogue. The Artist Amid his Contemporaries, ed. by Francesco Borgo, Alessandro Nova and Rodolfo Maffeis (= Italian Studies of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz), Marsilio Editori, Venice 2019, pp. 47–72
  • A murder, a mummy, and a bust. A Bust of Simon of Trent at the Getty , in: Getty Research Journal 10, 2018, pp. 27-60
  • The Salutati Tomb in Fiesole. Animation, Representation and Scholarly 'Memoria' in: Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte, LXIII / LXIV, Boehlau, Vienna et al. 2017, pp. 149–168
  • FACES. Faces, Art, and Computerized Evaluation Systems – A Feasibility Study of the Application of Face Recognition Systems to Works of Portrait Art (together with Conrad Rudolph, Amit Roy-Chowdhury and Ramya Srinivasan), in: Artibus et Historiae, 75, XXXVIII, p 265-291
  • Hannah Wilke. Intra-Venus , in: Venus as Muse. From Lucretius to Serres, ed. by Hanjo Berressem, Günter Blamberger and Sebastian Goth, Rodopi, Amsterdam / New York 2015, pp. 73-12
  • Mimesis. Notes from the Field , in: Art Bulletin 95/2, June 2013, pp. 205-207
  • No one in particular. Donatello’s San Rossore , in: Inventing Faces. Rhetorics of Portraiture Between Renaissance and Modernism, ed. by Mona Koerte, Stefan Weppelman et al., Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and ZfL, Berlin 2013, pp. 15–28
  • The feathers of the soul. Dressing a symbol in: clothes make pictures. Premodern strategies of vestimental imagery, ed. by David Ganz , Edition Imorde, Berlin 2012, pp. 195–218
  • Morals, Males, and Mirrors. Busts of Boys in the Quattrocento , in: Desiderio da Settignano , ed. by Joseph Connors, Alessandro Nova and Gerhard Wolf , Edizione Marsilio, Venice 2011, pp. 89–101
  • Body, Mind, and Soul. On the So-Called 'Platonic Youth' in the Bargello, Florence , in: Subject as Aporia in Early Modern Art, ed. by Alexander Nagel and Lorenzo Pericolo, Ashgate, Aldershot 2010, pp. 43–69

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