Jenny Burde-Ney

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Jenny Bürde-Ney, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1852
Jenny Bürde-Ney, 1867.

Jenny Bürde-Ney (born December 21, 1824 in Graz , † May 17, 1886 in Dresden ) was a German opera singer ( soprano ).


Jenny was the daughter of Katharina Ney-Segatta, also a singer. Like her sister (Karoline Denemy-Ney, 1826–1894), she was trained for the stage by her mother at an early age and performed as a “Danube woman” in Arad at the age of 15. The actual stage career began in Olomouc and continued in Brno, Ofen, Prague and Lemberg. In 1850 an engagement at the Vienna Kärntnertortheater followed . In 1853 she followed a call to Dresden and succeeded Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient at the Dresden Court Opera . She was married to the actor Emil Bürde .

In 1867 she only appeared at church concerts and worked as a singing teacher. From 1878 she was a member of the Women's Acquisition Association , which was dedicated to improving the education of girls and women and expanding women's areas of work.

Roles (selection)

Schoolgirls (selection)


Web links

Commons : Jenny Bürde-Ney  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files