Jens Eisfeld

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Jens Eisfeld (* 1969 in Marburg ) is a German legal scholar.


He studied law at the University of Giessen (first state examination in 1995). After completing his legal preparatory service at the Bamberg Higher Regional Court (second state examination in 1999), he completed an LL.M. - Studied at the University of Illinois , supported by a one-year scholarship from the DAAD . After receiving his doctorate in 2004 as Dr. iur. at the University of Bayreuth from 2008 to 2011 he held a DFG- financed position at the University of Bayreuth (topic of the research project: "Natural law and historical thinking in German legal and state theory of the first half of the 19th century"). After his habilitation in 2014 at the University of Bayreuth ( teaching qualification in the subjects "Civil Law", "German Legal History", "Legal Philosophy" and "Legal Theory"), he held a DFG-funded position at the University of Bayreuth from 2016 to 2018 ( Topic of the research project: "Experience of shoulders in absolute being. Philosophical foundations of positive law in Germany in the 19th century"). He has been Professor of Civil Law at the UFL since 2019 .


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