Jesús María Sanromá

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Jesús María Sanromá, 1953

Jesús María Sanromá (born November 7, 1903 in Fajardo , † October 12, 1984 in San Juan ) was a Puerto Rican pianist and music teacher.

The son of a Catalan emigrant made his debut as a pianist at the municipal theater of his native city at the age of eleven and received a scholarship at the age of thirteen, which enabled him to study at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston with Antoinette Szumowska-Adamowska (1924-27). He continued his training in 1927 with Alfred Cortot in Paris and Artur Schnabel in Berlin. In 1924 he was hired by Sergei Kussewitzki as a pianist for the Boston Symphony Orchestra . For twenty years he was the solo pianist of this orchestra, with which he performed works by contemporary composers such as Sergei Prokofjew , Paul Hindemith , Walter Piston , Ernst Toch , Heitor Villa-Lobos , Vernon Duke , Edward Burlingame Hill , John Carpenter , Ernest Bloch , Carlos Chavez , Igor Stravinsky , Pablo Casals and Leonard Bernstein performed and recorded.

He worked with Igor Stravinsky , with whom he was friends, Paul Hindemith , Sergei Prokofjew and Carlos Chávez as conductors and in 1930 became a member of the Boston Pops Orchestra , with which he often worked as a duo with Arthur Fiedler . From 1943 he was under contract with the Columbia Artists Company . His recordings of Rhapsody in Blue and the Piano Concerto by George Gershwin , Sergei Rachmaninov's Second Piano Concerto, the Piano Concertos by Edward MacDowell and a collection of danzas by the Puerto Rican composer Juan Morel Campos are considered important .

From 1931 to 1936, Sanromá was a professor at the Universidad de Puerto Rico . He helped found the conservatory there and headed its piano department until his death. He also taught for a long time at the New England Conservatory , which held a concert on his 75th birthday in 1978. He was honored with several honorary doctorates for his work.
