Yevhen Wscheshch

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Cyrillic ( Ukrainian )
Євген Ксаверійович Вжещ
Transl. : Jevhen Ksaverijovyč Vžešč
Transcr. : Yevhen Kzaveriyovych Wscheschch
Cyrillic ( Russian )
Евгений Ксаверьевич Вжещ
Transl .: Evgenij Ksaver'evič Vžešč
Transcr .: Yevgeny Ksaverjewitsch Wscheschtsch

Jewhen Ksawerijowytsch Wscheschtsch (* 1853 in Kiev Governorate , Russian Empire ; † 1917 ) was a Ukrainian landscape painter and graphic artist.


Jewhen Wscheschtsch was of Polish descent and was born in the Kiev Governorate of the Russian Empire. He went to school in Zhytomyr and studied between 1876 and 1880 at the Kiev drawing school of Mykola Muraschko . From 1884 on, Wscheschtsch studied at the Imperial Art Academy in Saint Petersburg , at the Munich Art Academy and then in Paris .

After graduating, he lived and worked in Kiev. Wscheschtsch was a member of the Association of South Russian Artists (ТПХВ), the Moscow Association of Artists and the Kiev Union of Artists, and from 1885 took part regularly in art exhibitions.

In pre-revolutionary Russia his pictures were often used as motifs for postcards, today his works can be found in the National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kiev as well as in other museums and private art collections. His painting Herbst was acquired by the Russian art patron and collector Pavel Tretyakov and is in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Short biography Jewhen Wscheschtsch on nuart; accessed on January 13, 2016 (Ukrainian)
  2. REGISTER Professional Artists of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, Russians Abroad "and the Russian Federation and the Former Soviet Union of the 18th and 19th Centuries on the website of the Union of Professional Artists of Russia; (third from last position); accessed on 13. January 2016 (Russian)
  3. a b c d Short biography Jewhen Wscheschtsch in euro-art; accessed on January 13, 2016 (Ukrainian)
  4. a b c d Short biography Jewhen Wscheschtsch on bitbazar; accessed on January 13, 2016 (Russian)